I bought a Coleman lantern off eBay about 2 weeks ago. Seller shipped it a week later, after me asking about it, apparently by USPS. USPS contracted with FedEx to ship and deliver. I watched it from Arizona to Strafford, Mo where it was placed on a truck (Saturday) for delivery the next day, I'm guessing Monday. Saturday afternoon I look at tracking again and it says "Shipping exception"
"Damaged Package, cannot deliver".
I called FedEx, actually got a real person in about 2 minutes. (Apparently all you have to say to the computer is "Damaged package" and you get a real person.)
Gave the girl the tracking number, she looked it up and said they don't/won't deliver a damaged package. I can understand that if I was looking for a shipment of plutonium. But, for cryin out loud, it's just a lantern. They said to get hold of the seller and let them know what happened. I did that Saturday evening and haven't heard anything from them either. Tried asking online FedEx today .Same thing.
Tommorow I take it to eBay disputes .