I don’t know if this is the right place Or the I work with dumb people thread.
Anyhow I found this funny, the pic is not a good one, but I will explain,
I wake up and look out the window. I noticed the white car is up against the orange car. I guess the white car driver never put the handbrake on very well and it slowly moved over night. And rested up on the other car.
I goes out sometime later, and some comes up to me and asks if I knew who the owner is.
my reply was sorry I don’t, is there any damage ? The guy says I don’t think so, but I’ve been waiting to go to work for the last 2hrs.
What the pic doesn’t show there was about a 4 ft gap behind the orange car.
So I said, you should be able to get out of there with that gap behind you, the guy said what about the car up against my car it will roll down the hill.
So I smiled and said why don’t you just get a brick put it in front of the wheel, that will stop it
he said he never thought of that,

and then insisted on a brick on each front wheel

, then Everything went to plan