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For the guys who get paid to fix saws


Hillbilly grinder
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9:43 PM
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Dec 28, 2015
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Also make sure they understand payment is expected promptly. Recently got hung on a big invoice for 3 weeks... Doesn't take much to extend quite a bit.
Yep. I've had a saw sitting there for over a month. I put a ebay crank in it to save them $150 and new bearings. Not a whole lot but it's some I could have bought parts for my stuff with

Chainsaw Jim

Con Artist LLC
Local time
6:43 PM
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Feb 8, 2016
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Springfield Oregon
My shop rates are low for the time being. Like $40 for a carb rebuild and tune which includes cost of the kit. About the same on the fuel lines. I've been known to do near full rebuilds minus splitting the case for 100 labor for friends, AS, and OPE members. Since I have a shop at home I'll typically just quote it as a job and not keep track of hours.

I regret that it won't be possible to be quite as low cost for regular walk in customers once I establish a real dealership.
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Free Range Human in a Tax Farm
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1:43 PM
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Jan 16, 2016
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Hunter Valley - Australia
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For me it varies
I have a mate who brought me several Stihl and Husky saws, blowers and wipper snippers he got from the tip.
Most need minimal work
I rebuilt an 029 and and rebuilt and ported an 038 magnum for him at cost of parts to say thanks. I did the rebuilds free but charged him for the porting at $25/hr

Stump Shot

Disciple of Monkey's
Local time
8:43 PM
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Jun 5, 2016
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Northwoods of Wisconsin
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I charge one half of what a dealer here does and go by flat rate time, no minimum charge. Sharpening is .25 cents per bar inch of length. Most rebuilt saws sell for little profit, but does give you a come back customer for repairs. Trouble I got into was doing a bunch of gratis work to get started, this was a mistake, as people came back looking for more of the same, and someone is not going to be happy, either me for doing more, or them for me not to. Make no mistake, times are tough for most folks today monetarily speaking, so I'll usually do what it takes to get them sawing, as it is a very important part of survival in this neck of the woods. Never had a problem getting paid, have taken things in on trade from time to time even if I didn't need them to help somebody out. It all works out in the end, one way or another, not worth fussing over.


OPE Sponsor
Local time
9:43 PM
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Dec 30, 2015
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I have a full time job and work on saws atvs motorcycles on the side. I work on a lot of saws that the dealers won't.

That is why I do side work at the house, at the dealership it would cost far too much to split a case and put bearings and seals in, I do it at home for a flat rate of $50.00 I tell everyone to buy the parts at the dealership and drop them by in the evening. The owner and I have an understanding about it, I only take work that he turns away and he still gets the profit from the parts sale, win/win.


Stump Shot

Disciple of Monkey's
Local time
8:43 PM
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Jun 5, 2016
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Northwoods of Wisconsin
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Worked for a fella out in Oregon years ago, he said he'd been done practicing for some time now and if anyone wanted him to work they would have to pay. I guess a guy reaches that point at some time or another. After doing this a few years I'm near it myself. Still, I have to help good friends and family, just part of life I reckon, not everything is about a dollar. Trying to find the balance is what seems so elusive.

TJ the Chainsaw Mechanic

Old Homelites rule!
Local time
6:43 PM
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Jan 7, 2016
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Next to my bench at the shop, Oregon
I really enjoy fixing the broken and blown up saws. Word is getting around that I fix them so I am getting quite a bit of Folks asking me to fix their saws and now their blowers and weedeaters. At first I was only charging what it cost in parts. But I am spending my time on fixing them and have quickly grown tired of doing it for free. A large portion of my work is carburetor cleanings and rebuilding with new gasket sets. Another is replacing fuel lines and filters and impulse lines. I am now getting request to sharpen chains as well. For the past few months I have kind of decided on some pricing after seeing the what the two local Stihl dealer charge per hour and their minumums. One charges $89 dollars an hour and the other is in the high $60 an hour ranges both requiring a half hour minumum. I am charging $25 dollars to remove a carburetor, completely disasemmble it, ultrasonic clean it, rebuild it using a new kit(price not included in the $25 dollars), put it back on the saw and tune it by ear in some wood. I am charging 5 dollars a piece to change a fuel line and filter and charging 5 dollars to replace an impulse line. The price of the new lines/filters are not included in the 5 dollar price. I was going to try to charge a flat rate of 35 dollars an hour but its hard to give a 80-100 dollar bill to someone who brought in a saw thats only worth 70 dollars. Further more half the times I eat sharping a chain, which I charge 7 dollars to hand file it and check/adjust the rackers, because the chains are so dull I cant even tune the saw. Am I in the ballpark on my prices? How do you decide what to charge, and finally, what do you charge?

I work at a local shop so may I can help.
For a number of years our rate was at $70 an hour for All small equipment. From the smallest 2 stroke to the biggest lawn mowers. Due to the increase in the cost of parts and the fact my boss is raising paychecks our rate jumped up to $89 an hour which is still reasonable. Since this is not a Business for you....Yet. lol I would Start with $50 an hour. I like to use the Stihl Time book for billing. That would mean:

Carb removal, rebuild, pressure test, and install would be Half an Hour. $25
Anything else that's small like replacing a fuel line ect. 15 minute minimum. $12.50
We charge $8-$10 for chain sharpening. Since you don't have a chain grinder I would be charging extra for super dull chains as it takes awhile with a file.
We also charge a Hazmat fee. Usually $3.95. I charge $5.95 for VP or any Ethanol free fuel.
Be sure to charge shipping on parts or you'll have to compensate with Labor charge.