I really enjoy fixing the broken and blown up saws. Word is getting around that I fix them so I am getting quite a bit of Folks asking me to fix their saws and now their blowers and weedeaters. At first I was only charging what it cost in parts. But I am spending my time on fixing them and have quickly grown tired of doing it for free. A large portion of my work is carburetor cleanings and rebuilding with new gasket sets. Another is replacing fuel lines and filters and impulse lines. I am now getting request to sharpen chains as well. For the past few months I have kind of decided on some pricing after seeing the what the two local Stihl dealer charge per hour and their minumums. One charges $89 dollars an hour and the other is in the high $60 an hour ranges both requiring a half hour minumum. I am charging $25 dollars to remove a carburetor, completely disasemmble it, ultrasonic clean it, rebuild it using a new kit(price not included in the $25 dollars), put it back on the saw and tune it by ear in some wood. I am charging 5 dollars a piece to change a fuel line and filter and charging 5 dollars to replace an impulse line. The price of the new lines/filters are not included in the 5 dollar price. I was going to try to charge a flat rate of 35 dollars an hour but its hard to give a 80-100 dollar bill to someone who brought in a saw thats only worth 70 dollars. Further more half the times I eat sharping a chain, which I charge 7 dollars to hand file it and check/adjust the rackers, because the chains are so dull I cant even tune the saw. Am I in the ballpark on my prices? How do you decide what to charge, and finally, what do you charge?