Last year we bought an old house with over 110 years and a garden which was untouched the last 15 years.
So after renovating inside first we now started at the garden this year. And for now I can make firewood of what is grown too big, like this 12m Tuja
I have a hydraulic log splitter but if the wood is not too twisted I prefer the axe
Cutting some of the firs which stand too tight around the border of my garden
Holder ED2 (2-stroke diesel, 500cc 10hp) to transport the firewood
too small to burn? Feed for the chipper to fill the holes into the ground
a few apple trees have to be cut too
now my timberyard is full (each quarter has about 5m³)
this part is for the upcoming winter, mainly cherry wood and hazelnut
though it's not the time to stoke the oven but soon the firewood goes there.
It's a water-bearing oven with 4KW into the air and 10 KW into the water.
So that's it.