You gotta laugh don't ya .Putting gas in the car did it that extra weight
What a pain in the a$$ to unload that lot at the gas stationi thought it was quite funny myself.
Heres my cutting spot. In the pic is my buddy and my son. this is about the i cut at because its close. I uaed to cut at a few different spots till my uncle baught this place five mins from home.
Picked it up this spring. It's the first husky I've ever run. Don't see many round these parts. 346 would be nice, but I just got a killer deal on a 026 so that'll have to do for now.
Ya was a little bigger then i usually cut. I was low on wood so i picked on a few big trees that day. My little 353 husky keeps rite up to my buddys ms 391. His is stock, mine is muff modded,timing advanced, gasket delete and widened exhaust port. And a heck of a lot lighter then the 391.Damn man got some big stuff there!!!!
Nice white oak there!!!!Started with thisView attachment 31977