This year's GTG are going to be like the last three that we've had.
Blair County Game Fish and Foresty
301 Riggles Gap Sportsmen Rd, Altoona, PA 16601
I have also included the website (no title)
Anyone attending the GTG please make sure that you check in at the clubhouse when you arrive!
People can start arriving on Friday morning (because they shoot trap on Thursdays) who will be camping on site. The back road will be open to the trap range as it it easier to get campers up that road. Signs will be out directing people at usual.
Plates, napkins, plastic ware and cups will be provided.
There is good cold spring water that is always running for water if you'd like to bring your own containers.
Food/ meals that will be provided:
Friday 13th Supper: will be planning on pizza (hopefully at Scotty Overkill's again)! If not we can order out.
Saturday 13th
Breakfast: Eggs, apple sausage, bacon and fried potatoes.
Lunch: (provided by the club) hamburgers, hot dogs and maybe some of there ox roast sandwiches that they had last year.
Supper: brisket, chicken, pulled pork.
Sunday is the farwell day. Any leftover food will be in the cooler's in the outdoor kitchen and you can feel free to get some food on the go if you wish.
Alcohol is allowed after hours and must stay on the trap range as long as it doesn't get out of control and only when the guns are away and the work is done for the day.
4 wheelers, side by sides are welcome as long as you check with the club to see what trails that you are allowed to ride on as long as you don't tear the place up.
Extra splitters and tractors/ machines to help with the work are welcome
Anyone who is a part of the GTG and helping to cut and split wood is allowed to shoot on the range for free.
We will be planning on having a raffle again.
I will be making a post for the raffle donations and a separate post for a food list and people can add to those posts. I will keep both list updated on both sites.
Don't forget to bring your favorite firearms!
Let's all have a good time get some work done and enjoy everyone's company as we always do!