I don't like Ultra HP, so when I run Motomix, I use the "Motomix4" and put my own oil in. I primarily use it for "after run" fuel, when storing my equipment for extended periods. Mystik (Citgo) semi syn Air Cooled is my go to oil, is JASO FD rated, very clean burning, low smell, and mixes easily. I just bought some for $2.50/qt recently. I gave up on high dollar 2 stroke oil years ago. Never lost an engine on JASO rated oil.
There is definitely a formulation difference between Motomix and the other commercially available "alternative fuels". They smell different and the MSDS show a significant difference. The ones in the big box stores smell like lacquer thinner (contain xylene and toluene). Motomix and Aspen appear to be very similar to each other and do not contain these ingredients. Motomix4 is produced by Haltermann Carless, a German company with presence in the US. Wouldn't surprise me if Aspen is also produced by the same company, as they don't appear to be an actual petroleum company.