We sure get some crazy weather in WI. Sometimes all in one day. Opening weekend of Pheasant season 1978. Nice sunny Sunday morning, temp had climbed to about 60 by 10 am. I was out with my 2 brits, Sugar river Bottoms about 2 miles away from my car. The wind started picking up from just a smidgen at 10 am , You could feel a change in the density of the air almost like an electric charge. Within a 1/2 hour temp dropped to 30 wind rain, hail, snow- wind howling- temp still dropping I was making a bee line for the car in 20 minutes I was soaking wet. Temps dropped to zero and still dropping plus the wind chill, The older pup 1 year + was ok but the younger one at 9 months was played out . My coat was freezing solid . Young pup, I had to grab and carry inside my coat and I was still a mile or more from car. By time I got to the car I was having trouble myself. Hypothermia. Had to chisel the door open as it was coated in ice . Car started, I was thankful for that, but driving home - about an hour plus due to conditions, car never warmed up . I was in bad shape by that point having trouble focusing and staying awake. We all survived. That has been the only time I got cought flat footed like that.