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Who would rather NOT have help with their firewood?


Here For The Long Haul!
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3:03 PM
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Jan 3, 2016
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West of Kansas City
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Can't stand "helpers" that appoint themselves "project foreman". Got a rule that works in the family, and try to apply it elsewhere. Whoever's house it is, is running the program, (within reason.) Everyone else is there to help get 'er done.
I like the way you added within reason a guy that used to be my apprentice at work had a tree blow over in his yard. He didn't have the money to pay the tree service. So one day after work I went and cut it up in manageable sized pieces. It was obvious that his wife wore the pants in the family. She started on me at how I was doing it wrong. I turned the saw off and handed it to her and went and set on the tailgate. Told her to show me how to do it. She like to broke her wrist trying to start the saw. She went in the house in a huff. I finished up after I chuckled a few minutes.

Louie B

Pinnacle OPE Member
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3:03 PM
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Jan 19, 2016
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I like the way you added within reason a guy that used to be my apprentice at work had a tree blow over in his yard. He didn't have the money to pay the tree service. So one day after work I went and cut it up in manageable sized pieces. It was obvious that his wife wore the pants in the family. She started on me at how I was doing it wrong. I turned the saw off and handed it to her and went and set on the tailgate. Told her to show me how to do it. She like to broke her wrist trying to start the saw. She went in the house in a huff. I finished up after I chuckled a few minutes.

They always turn out tough if they stew in their own juice :D:D:D:D:D:D


Mastermind Approved!
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3:03 PM
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Jan 20, 2016
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I like the way you added within reason a guy that used to be my apprentice at work had a tree blow over in his yard. He didn't have the money to pay the tree service. So one day after work I went and cut it up in manageable sized pieces. It was obvious that his wife wore the pants in the family. She started on me at how I was doing it wrong. I turned the saw off and handed it to her and went and set on the tailgate. Told her to show me how to do it. She like to broke her wrist trying to start the saw. She went in the house in a huff. I finished up after I chuckled a few minutes.

That's awesome. I can see the look on your face when you handed her the saw; may have seen it a time or 2 myself, LOL.


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
4:03 PM
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Feb 8, 2016
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Ulster County, NY
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I like the way you added within reason a guy that used to be my apprentice at work had a tree blow over in his yard. He didn't have the money to pay the tree service. So one day after work I went and cut it up in manageable sized pieces. It was obvious that his wife wore the pants in the family. She started on me at how I was doing it wrong. I turned the saw off and handed it to her and went and set on the tailgate. Told her to show me how to do it. She like to broke her wrist trying to start the saw. She went in the house in a huff. I finished up after I chuckled a few minutes.

God, do I love this post! Very well done.

I see this attitude in the store sometimes when a guys wife, who has no clue about what we are talking about, plays guard dog and tries to dominate the discussion. It's a delicate thing to try and put her in her place without also offending the husband. But usually the husband is happy that someone stands up to her. LOL

Quick story: Woman I never met calls up and starts with the riot act about her husbands saw not starting, warranty, what I'm going to do, etc. When I found out who her husband was I told her that I knew him for years, there'd be no problem and "this conversation isn't necessary". :)

Lightning Performance

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
4:03 PM
User ID
Jan 26, 2016
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East of Philly
You guys are really lucky to have help. I like to stay on the saw all day anywhere or switch to the spliter but no moving wood for others. I'll cut it however you think it should be done with your saw. Then I get my bow after your saw runs out of gas. Easier and faster for me cutting. The big is what it is and I keep the chain sharp on any saw. Most times I'm invited back to buck and sharpen chains. Beats carrying wood, moving wood or dragging brush. I will kick the rounds to the splitter. Bucking includes cleaning up the knobs and noodling what needs noodled. That makes any firewood pile better.

Cutting dirty wood is it's own thing to save the chain. Bore, pull and push. Never touch most of the bark ;)
Skidder drug around muddy wood sucks. You need more saws:rolleyes:

Sup Bob


Mr. Awesome
Local time
4:03 PM
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Mar 11, 2016
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Old Fort, NC
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That's why when my kids ask if we can cut or split wood, I try to make an effort to do a little even when I am dog tired. I remember going to the woods with my dad and grandfather as well. My 10 year old son loves trying to split with an axe or maul even though he just isn't quite strong enough for the 20" stuff I cut. I will give him the shorts and usually half them for him. He will sometimes spend 30 minutes on one piece, BUT he will get it split! To see his eyes light up and chest stuck out when he "one hits" a chunk makes it worth it. My daughter is even younger and tries, but is rarely successful. I have her split kindling with one of those upside down wedges you set the wood on and hit with a hammer to drive it down. Less chance of her getting hurt too bad. Either way, it is better than them being inside playing video games or the iPad!

Have you ever tried the short handled Fiskars with, I think a 2# head? That is what I started my son with. He's outgrown it now, just sits there. If you want it let me know.

Mr Awesome


Mr. Awesome
Local time
4:03 PM
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Mar 11, 2016
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Old Fort, NC
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I generally have my son help, that's it. We mark the wood to keep it all even if we stack it. I have my way of doing things and that's how I do it, unless helping a friend who does things completely different. I will say that if it's my equipment my rules generally go into effect.

Mr Awesome


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
4:03 PM
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Oct 25, 2016
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East TN
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Have you ever tried the short handled Fiskars with, I think a 2# head? That is what I started my son with. He's outgrown it now, just sits there. If you want it let me know.

Mr Awesome
I have one I keep with our camping stuff. I forgot about it and my let them give it a go. Thanks for the offer.