High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

372xp carburetor ?

MG porting

Pinnacle OPE Member
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11:30 AM
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Jun 28, 2018
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Ok finely got to work on the saw so things I had to do change intake boot plus had to shave the metal flange down a bit so that way the carb would actually seal up against the boot now not knocking the Duke's carb it's a good carb but yep but it's just jetted to rich for my say and elevation just not enough adjustment on the low and light side of the carb so after digging around on the carb that came with the saw it has on the low side of the carb give it quarter to half throttle and it would act like it was going lean then stall kinda annoying when bucking logs so I found another carb that looked extremely like the Duke's so I ordered it when I ordered the intake boot although it looks the same on the outside it was different on the inside and something I didn't check before but I did yesterday was the bore size was different from the carb that the saw came with versus the dukes carb and the one that I just put on the saw the Duke's and the one I just got and now is in the saw have the same bore size which is smaller than the carb that came on the saw the carb that I just put in the saw is flipping night and day better than the original carb the saw came with I can hold half throttle and she runs like it should no lean no stall running great now I will try to post some pics this weekend of the carbs and some of the differences between them I'm just happy my saw is running like it should I normally don't give up on saws but this one was really pushing my buttons yeah it's a clone but I've built many of them plus OEM Stihls this damn clone Husqvarna was really close of growing wings but finally got it figured out so I'll be busy this weekend I'll do my best to get those pics on here maybe we all can figure something out to get the Duke's carb and the original carb to work the way they need to be.

MG porting

Pinnacle OPE Member
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11:30 AM
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Jun 28, 2018
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Got some pictures of the carb that the saw came with and the Duke's carb I would really like to be able to get the carb that the saw came with to work proper but not sure what circuit to mod to get part throttle to work he's the pictures before I get rambling.IMG_20250302_112928.jpgIMG_20250302_113041.jpgIMG_20250302_113126.jpg
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MG porting

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
11:30 AM
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Jun 28, 2018
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Those two measurements are of the carb the saw came with. The next set of pictures is the Duke's carb.IMG_20250302_113209.jpgIMG_20250302_113320.jpg

MG porting

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
11:30 AM
User ID
Jun 28, 2018
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Picture of how the jetting set up on both.IMG_20250302_113852.jpgtop picture is the carb the saw came with bottom pictureis the dukes. Would be nice if I could get both carbs work the Duke's is pig rich and the one clone just will not let me run part to half throttle.IMG_20250302_114254.jpg