Well, Randy would know.
The way it was explained to me was that it wasn't detonation you were avoiding, but the fact that if all the light ends evaporate you may be low enough octane to not have enough 'pop' to start in the first place. Mercury 75/90 2M outboards are a prime example, very reluctant old fuel starters. However, the internets leading Mercury Optimax expert Don Weeds suggests running 'our' 91 because the slow burn of higher octane leaves carbon deposits in the cylinder head, outboards mostly being babied compared to ope. So there's a lot to consider. What i do know is we have very vigorous fuel specs, our 91 RON will be that and no less at the servo.
For the US readers, NZ fuel is measured in Research Octane Number (RON) as opposed to your Motor Octane Number (MON). Our 91 approx your 87, our 95 approx your 91, and we have 98 too, so your 93?
Also, sorry to introduce the outboard thing, but seemed semi relevant.