High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

What oil is best? and what ratio?

Terry Syd

Pinnacle OPE Member
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Jan 18, 2016
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Comboyne, NSW Australia
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It was a simple one container set-up for doing small batches, say 5-15 litres. You could just pour whatever WVO you had in the processor, look at the level, then decide if you wanted low or high conversion, pour in the formula, shake it and lay it out in the sun. After conversion, add 10% water to the mix, settle, then drain off the glycerin.

The processor worked great, it was the corrupt Australian government that stopped me from continuing. It is all 'pay to play' in Canberra. They changed the laws as soon as my patent went through. Had a few meetings with Treasury, they wanted me to "bring something to the table". As a barrister, I had run several cases against the government, I knew they would just grind me down, so as Kenny Rogers sang - 'know when to fold them and when to walk away'.

There are probably a few 'gun nuts' reading this post. Here's a short 10 minute video I helped with that deals with the Port Arthur Massacre and the Oz government - https://gumshoenews.com/2019/03/31/justice-in-the-lucky-country/

These bastards in government will kill people to further their agendas. - I gave everything related to the processor to a Pastor that was working in India. Hopefully, he can get something going in the small villages over there. There are plenty of inedible oil seed bushes that can be utilized.
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Terry Syd

Pinnacle OPE Member
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Jan 18, 2016
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Comboyne, NSW Australia
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It is what it is. I was politically active and got used to having to deal with it. Besides the 'gun control/Port Arthur' issue, I busted a bunch of Detectives for drug dealing. One case ended up in a Royal Commission. I spent 20 years under surveillance as I was such a thorn in their side. - I like being retired...

Here's another article on a 'pay to play' Constitutional challenge that I did. It just isn't just a corrupt political system - the police, the intelligence agencies - and the judicial system are just as bad. - https://gumshoenews.com/2018/06/19/review-of-australian-law-and-its-decline/

In fact, is is because the legal system is so corrupt that all the other systems get compromised. Some of you with legal friends might want to forward that link to them so they can get an idea what Australian law is like.
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Here For The Long Haul!
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Jan 9, 2016
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Sorry for the de-rail - I like BLUE OIL.
Glad you posted what you did. I read the whole article and it was fascinating to see how things have evolved for the worse over centuries of 'misinterpretations' to where they are now. I understand your distaste for our legal system. Hopefully someone can pick up the ball where you put it down (or had it removed out of your hands) and take it over the line for the citizens of our country. Somehow for this to happen I think it may take a whole lot more than just a court case. For anyone to 'fix' something they (the broader public) need to know what's wrong & more people need to know about your case & why its so significant. What a read!


Mastermind Approved!
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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Wow Terry, thanks for sharing … we often don't realize what great people we have on these forums (often in areas not related to saws).

My Father was a Lawyer, and my brother is one, and I am a retired Certified Fraud Examiner. My auditing career did not reach the level of what you did, but it was interesting.

I could write a book on the 30+ years as an Auditor. My audits identified numerous frauds, and I even got a conviction (after testifying in court) in the South Bronx (no one thought that was possible w/o a dead body)! One of my audits caught a Priest, another a Rabbi, and another the Mob (a garbage contract). I also identified a multi million dollar Medicaid Fraud that the Medicaid Fraud Control auditors had missed. It was so significant they made changes to the Medicaid Legislation to preclude it from re occurring.

I have personally had 3 brushes with the law myself, and can tell you the system here is badly broken. Once I brought charges against others, and twice charges were falsely brought against me. All three took forever to resolve (and justice is supposed to be swift), and none were resolved as they should have been.


Pinnacle OPE Member
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8:57 PM
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Nov 21, 2016
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I just ordered this. Best price I could find for a good oil. Will be used mostly for Lawn Boys and weedeaters this summer at 32:1. I might mix a separate can for the weedeaters and occasional chainsaw at 40:1.

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I Am The Snake
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Feb 5, 2016
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Here & Now
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I just ordered this. Best price I could find for a good oil. Will be used mostly for Lawn Boys and weedeaters this summer at 32:1. I might mix a separate can for the weedeaters and occasional chainsaw at 40:1.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’m using that stuff now


Mastermind Approved!
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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I have no idea about using Mobil 1 … but, IMO use 2 cycle oil that has fuel stabilizers, very important if you leave any fuel in the saw, and I doubt Mobil 1 has it as it is engine oil.


I'm here for the sick'n twisted company
Yearly GoldMember
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I never got an answer. Can I get away with running used Mobil 1 engine oil at 40:1, or should I go heavier?
I ran fresh 15W40 engine oil at 25:1 and even thicker in my dads 1985. Sachs-Dolmar 105 till 2006., then I found out about 2-stroke oil. . .
Engine is still fairly healthy as can be with a saw this old, single ring wore down, tons of carbon in the exhaust port and muffler - clutch weight broke, that is the only reason why she ain't operational.
Also, back then I didn't have to worry about mosquitoes nor horse flies as I was always surrounded by a cloud of white impenetrable smoke.

I tried several 2-stroke oils but I like Dolmar and Makita red oil the most.
Dolmar oil is burning producing a kinda "dry" carbon layer on the mufflers exhaust port, while Makita oil seems to stay partially unburnt providing a sort of flushing effect.
I prefer the Makita oil, I bought a whole carton full of it, 12x1 liter.

Andrew sent me some full synthetic blue/green Dolmar oil, I gotta give it a try! :)

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