High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

What oil is best? and what ratio?


Crush it
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6:43 PM
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Jan 3, 2016
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pacific northwest
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My workers are ugly too :( but i keep the important parts clean.

but my polished ones are polished to perfection.
If i build a saw up from parts it will look clean and new ,lost interest in polishing them couple years ago ,I like nice stuff ,and if something breaks it gets new ,but they don't get a bath every time i use them ,if they get too crappy looking once and a while they will get sprayed with purple cleaner and hosed off ,that's the extent of my polishing though.Or if they get sent off for mods ,they will get cleaned up so the builder don't have to waste more time on that .Rest of time is blow the chunks off with air .


Crush it
Local time
6:43 PM
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Jan 3, 2016
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pacific northwest
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Blue oil testing

Amsoil Saber vs Honda hp2

This was a test using 2 blue oils and 2 orange and white saws ,test saws were both used milling 1.25 gallons each to try and see if i could tell any difference in 2 oils of the same color

Test saws Mastermind ms660 28 inch bar on norwood mill
Jms ms441 32 inch bar with alaska mill

The fuel was 87 pump gas ,4 oz to 1.25 gallons 40 to 1

I have been running Saber for a while now with no problems ,Redbull gave me a bottle of Hp2 to try out when i got some chains from him

First thing i noticed pouring out of the bottle was the Hp2 was a little thicker ,maybe because it is bike oil is my guess to protect higher horsepower engines ,where the Saber is formulated for ope equipment ,after the first gas can was empty on the ms660 I did some piss revs ,read about 12400 ,i have set up rich for milling ,,saw got noticeably harder to pull over with the hp2 ,maybe the thicker oil seals the rings better .After i used the Hp2 up ,burned saber ,after 4 tanks the piss revs dropped some 12100 ,cleaned the air filter ,same thing ,the thicker Hps leaned the saw out some like i thought it may like when going from 40 to 1 to 32 to 1 would do ,gained a couple hundred rpms

The ms441 on the alaska mill
burned about a gallon milling 24 inch wide slabs ,and the milling was making me sick ,like the smell was getting to me ,did not have that problem with the amsoil,the smell was in my sweatshirt ,jeans etc ,i do not think can run the hp2 milling again because of that ,not worth it to me ,also felt little sick the next day .
Again feels like it was harder to pull over when restarted between fueling's ,which when bolted to the mill sucks honestly ,had to keep using the sissy button ,i still need to put a guage to really see if measurable compression was raised from oil brands ,will report that back

Final performance thoughts ,not enough to make a rats ass in my opinion ,in a cookie cut the hp2 may be a second or more ahead but ,not worth the harder to pull over and getting sick from the smell .when working for several hours with the stuff .

Again the hp2 is good stuff ,it is just not for me when my face is so close to it milling ,am sure for logging or firewood may not be so bad where exhaust is not so close to the face ,.so Amsoil wins this round even though the performance was slightly less .But easier to start


terms of service violator
Local time
9:43 PM
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Jan 3, 2016
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Im down to my last partial pint of mobil1 2xt i got through a raffle from you @junkman . Really good stuff IMO. Most of it has gone through my backpack blower honestly, probably only a few gallons of mix through my saws with it. Seems like very little carbon in my blower (25-30 gallons of fuel in the last year and a half?). Very unobjectionable smell. Just needs to be blue :cool:. Ill be back to sabre when its gone.


Vert Da Furk........Bork Bork Bork
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9:43 PM
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Dec 4, 2015
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Upstate NY
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Ran RA @ 36:1 with pump gas......the smell made me sick.
Tried another gallon again with VP and while the "smell" was still there, VP seemed to make it tolerable.

The only "non-bike" oil that never bothered me smell-wise, was Saber.

Bikes oils seem to be finicky when it comes to tuning. Unless it's just me. I don't know.
KL200 smells great, as does 800 2T.
Tempted to burn up some old Polaris VES Gold snowmobile oil I have sittin here. By far the best smelling stuff IMO, with the exception of 927.

Keith Gandy

Maxima K2 40:1 87 Pump Gas
Local time
8:43 PM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Provencal, Louisiana
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Ran RA @ 36:1 with pump gas......the smell made me sick.
Tried another gallon again with VP and while the "smell" was still there, VP seemed to make it tolerable.

The only "non-bike" oil that never bothered me smell-wise, was Saber.

Bikes oils seem to be finicky when it comes to tuning. Unless it's just me. I don't know.
KL200 smells great, as does 800 2T.
Tempted to burn up some old Polaris VES Gold snowmobile oil I have sittin here. By far the best smelling stuff IMO, with the exception of 927.
Kl200 smells great. Mobil 1 smells alot like it imo