I got a cheapy off of Amazon, not the greatest, saving for a Mightyvac after getting a case splitter.What are folks using
Same +1Not certain about if the sky is the limit, but the Mityvac 8500 is sort of the gold standard. Works well and is dependable for around $75
I do not disagree. I try to buy the best I can justify, no matter what the name on the tag is. Many years ago my brother bought a Snap-on GMAW welder. It was a huge POS. It was the worst machine I had ever ran.I’ve never really played that game. Good enough is good enough for me
We have a Mityvac. However, we had an even better one that we got through Echo years ago--I think it was some German built one. I could never figure out who made it, but significantly better than the Mityvac.