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Treating each other with respect: let's not use hate-speech

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Keith Gandy

Maxima K2 40:1 87 Pump Gas
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6:41 PM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Provencal, Louisiana
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Just to clarify, as I said above, I should have kept my own opinions on homosexuality to myself. Hopefully we can move on and agree respect each other's opinions. But, to be clear I'm absolutely not trying to FORCE anything onto anyone. I'm simply making a suggestion use more respectful language. Just a suggestion. I'm very aware of the fact that many of you may read my suggestion and say "GFY", and that's completely 100% okay with me.
No problem man. I was simply pointing out u were offended by the slang and I was offended by u saying being gay was alright. See where Im coming from?

Ryan Browne

Pinnacle OPE Member
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No problem man. I was simply pointing out u were offended by the slang and I was offended by u saying being gay was alright. See where Im coming from?

Absolutely. I didn't mean to offend you, and I apologize. :)

Not that it matters much, but I'm not actually offended by the slang. I just think it's hateful language, that it doesn't contribute anything, and makes people who use it look hateful or at the very least, ignorant of the situation.

TJ the Chainsaw Mechanic

Old Homelites rule!
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Next to my bench at the shop, Oregon
The way a forum runs is the way a forum runs. If you don't like some of the things being said here, then I have a simple suggestion....Hit the Unsubscribe Button. Now don't come yelling and screaming at me for saying that, I am just stating a suggestion. Sounds rude and hateful, but how I am thinking of it is just a simple statement. lol Hard to tell a person's thoughts through the board sometimes so that is why I am explaining. We're somewhat rough crowd here, and frankly this is one of the most easy going forums I have been to yet. A place where I can freely say HELL NO without a moderator crying at me for "foul language." Just happened to me on another sight matter of fact. lol

I trust Randy's judgment, if he thinks something has gone to far he steps right in and does his job. If he doesn't, then the report button is there or you can PM him about it. There's been many times where jokes were taken seriously...I have taken them seriously many times without realizing that what a person thinks in his mind sometimes doesn't go through the key board. It's happened to me and to others reviewing my comments many a time. I don't always like the slang either, but regardless of it all....this forum is full of a ton of great hard working guys who share the same hobbies. And that's what counts. Weather our views on things be different...political...religious...language...Saw Brands(I'm gonna get burned now)....we have to put our differences aside and have a great time on this forum and live with each other for who we are. Which is a hardy bunch of guys with dangerous toys.......and still trying to compete with Randy's legs.

I'm gonna go back to my bench and eat lunch.

Ryan Browne

Pinnacle OPE Member
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6:41 PM
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Sep 4, 2016
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OP, young man...best prescription for here is a little tougher, calloused hide...a damn good sense of humor, and don't let nothing get under your skin.

No one is intentionally using terms on this site to 'offend' anyone, that I can tell, and most others, probably as well.

Most fellas here are much older than you (I for one have a son your age and a daughter not far behind) and I just like many of them here, have been through and had to eat many of lifes' chit sandwiches a time or ten over the decades...and we take our helping each other with outdoor power equipment, supporting each other, etc, etc as serious business. The flip side of that coin...the cutting up, ribbing one another, picking on one another, we take as a grain of salt and a little daily humor...and at the end of the day, push come to shove and in a pinch, there ain't a damn soul here that wouldn't give a fellow man or his family here on this forum, the shirt off his own back and the last dollar in his pocket.

Thanks for the response. I honestly appreciate what everyone is saying here.

I would in no way want to the ribbing and picking on each other. Hell, I think that's one of the best parts of being friends with people, whether you've met them in person or not. My friends would be all too happy to tell you about all the chit I give them on a daily basis. I dish it out, and I can take it to. If someone wants to call me a hippie or a politically correct ninny over this topic, that's fine by me as long as there's a smilie face or a wink and we can still drink a beer (or root beer for my sober friends) and stack some wood together.

People's helpful nature and generosity on this forum is what makes this place. I know that members here would do anything to help a guy (or gal) out when they're in a pinch. I know y'all are good people, that's exactly why i wanted to call attention to this. Some calling me "gay" or someone saying my truck, saw, xyz is "gay" wouldn't end my friendship with them, or make me mad, it'd just make me explain that it's a word that hurts some people when used like that, and that I'd ask them to consider a different term. That's all. :)


Local time
7:41 PM
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Dec 29, 2015
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Cristobal Colon
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Gee lets all get bogged down in a pointless semantic argument .
In before the lock.

And by the way. I think some of the most boring,tedious,trifling obnoxious people I know male,female,gay or straight are those who define themselves wholly or in large part by their sexuality or orientation. Also the easiest offended.

I didn't realize you were anti-semantic.

Ryan Browne

Pinnacle OPE Member
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6:41 PM
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Sep 4, 2016
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The way a forum runs is the way a forum runs. If you don't like some of the things being said here, then I have a simple suggestion....Hit the Unsubscribe Button. Now don't come yelling and screaming at me for saying that, I am just stating a suggestion. Sounds rude and hateful, but how I am thinking of it is just a simple statement. lol Hard to tell a person's thoughts through the board sometimes so that is why I am explaining. We're somewhat rough crowd here, and frankly this is one of the most easy going forums I have been to yet. A place where I can freely say HELL NO without a moderator crying at me for "foul language." Just happened to me on another sight matter of fact. lol

I trust Randy's judgment, if he thinks something has gone to far he steps right in and does his job. If he doesn't, then the report button is there or you can PM him about it. There's been many times where jokes were taken seriously...I have taken them seriously many times without realizing that what a person thinks in his mind sometimes doesn't go through the key board. It's happened to me and to others reviewing my comments many a time. I don't always like the slang either, but regardless of it all....this forum is full of a ton of great hard working guys who share the same hobbies. And that's what counts. Weather our views on things be different...political...religious...language...Saw Brands(I'm gonna get burned now)....we have to put our differences aside and have a great time on this forum and live with each other for who we are. Which is a hardy bunch of guys with dangerous toys.......and still trying to compete with Randy's legs.

I'm gonna go back to my bench and eat lunch.

Enjoy your sammich, TJ, I just finished mine. :)

I do appreciate and understand your suggestion. Doesn't sound rude or hateful to me at all. And you certainly won't hear me yelling or screaming. Randy is a great moderator. This is a great forum, with great members. Doesn't mean that we can't be better, though.

I'll consider your suggestion. In certain situations, it might make perfect sense. If you'll consider my suggestion, my thread has been a success.

Guido Salvage

Supreme saw hoeder
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7:41 PM
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Jan 26, 2016
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Farmville, VA
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Ok I understand you not liking slang terms but I have a problem here. I have a right here with freedom of speech and religion here as a US citizen. In my religion its a sin to be gay or lesbian but you are saying its ok? Is that what your are saying? We r taught in my faith to not hate the sinner but the sin itself but when u start trying to force on myself or my children that being gay or lesbian is normal or ok thats stepping on my toes

What happens if your child doesn't follow your beliefs or even turns out to be "gay"? I have far more important things to fret over than who other people may choose to be intimate with.

Ryan Browne

Pinnacle OPE Member
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6:41 PM
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Sep 4, 2016
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What happens if your child doesn't follow your beliefs or even turns out to be "gay"? I have far more important things to fret over than who other people may choose to be intimate with.

Agreed Guido, but of it's okay, I'd rather that be a different thread. I can't stop this part of the conversation, but I respect Keith's perspective. It wasn't my intention bring the merits of homosexuality into this conversation. I'd prefer to leave them out.

Hopefully we can focus on just respecting other human beings whether agree with them or their private lives or not.

Ryan Browne

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
6:41 PM
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Sep 4, 2016
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Then I would have to accept it but not approve or like it

Keith, that was a damned graceful answer. Your kids are lucky to have you.

Edited to add: there a lot of people who would have been much better served by parents with a perspective like yours.
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