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Today is Memorial day


Pinnacle OPE Member
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Dec 26, 2018
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Years ago when I was a chairman for the veterans committee at work I was given a poem by a lady from Indiana at a veterens group meeting.

She didn't know the author at that time, was before the internet. i had heard of computers but they were big and companies used them, Radio Shack sold a gameing computer a RS 80.

Any way today I have found one of the authors of the poem I want to share with since tomorrow is Memorial Day.

Come visit my grave

Written By James D. Rolfes
I am a Veteran under the sod.
I’m in good company, I’m up here with God.
Come to my grave and visit me.
I gave my life so you could be free.
Today is Memorial Day throughout this great land.
There’s Avenues of Flags, Parades and Bands.
I can hear music, the firing squads and taps.
Here come my comrades, the Legionnaires, the Blue caps.
One of them just put a flag on my stone.
Some day he’ll have one of his own.
Some think of this day as just a day free of toil.
While others are busy working the soil.
They say they have plans, other things to do.
Don’t put us aside as you would an old shoe.
Come visit my grave in this cemetery so clean.
This is what Memorial Day means.
There are many of us lying in wake less sleep.
In cemeteries of green and oceans of deep.
It’s sad that for many who fought so brave.
No one comes to visit their grave.
They died so you could have one whole year free.
Now can’t you save this one Day for me?
There are soldiers, sailors, airmen up here.
Who went into battle despite of their fear.
I’ve been talking up here to all of those men.
If they had to do it over, they’d do it again.
Look, someone is coming to visit my grave.
It’s my Family, for them my life I gave.
My wife, I remember our last embrace.
As I left the tears streamed down your face.
I think you knew the day I was shipped out.
I wouldn’t return, your life would be turned about.
There’s my daughter that I used to hold.
Can it be that you’re nearly twenty years old?
Next month is to be your wedding day.
I wish I could be there to give you away.
My son’s here too, Dad’s little man.
Always love your Country, do for it what you can.
There is one thing that really did bother.
Is seeing you grow up without the aid of your Father.
I wish you could all hear me from up above.
That’s a father’s best gift to his children is love.
And what better way to prove my love to the end.
Is that a man lay down his life for his friends.
I see it’s time for you to go home.
Your visit made it easier to remain here alone.
Don’t cry honey, you look too sad.
Our children are free, you should be so glad.
Daughter, thanks for the bouquet so cute.
Thank you son for that sharp salute.
Come again, I forgot, you can’t hear me from up here.
But I know you’ll come visit me again next year.
I hope all veterans are treated this way.
On this day to remember, Memorial Day.

Have great safe Memorial day.

:D Al


Super OPE Member
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Feb 22, 2019
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Veterans who lose their lives in war may be a little more "grateful" than those who come back maimed.

Though I am grieved to the point of wanting to sacrifice my own life to stop the insanity of war and military madness and in 2003/4 got out of the business, one of the reasons was utter disgust over the Iraq war. We have to stop this madness. Blessed are the peace makers.

Those who suffered through those conflicts and lost their lives should be respected and honored.
Last edited:


Hot Rod !!!
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Thank you for my Freedom...


Saw R skeery
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Veterans who lose their lives in war may be a little more "grateful" than those who come back maimed.

Though I am grieved to the point of wanting to sacrifice my own life to stop the insanity of war and military madness and in 2003/4 got out of the business, one of the reasons was utter disgust over the Iraq war. We have to stop this madness. The US is not special. Maybe there is no heaven for the military slain. Blessed are the peace makers.

We were warned.

Full speech


Super OPE Member
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The Civil War, revised upward recently to 750,000: https://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/03/...&gwh=EC245B74FE0D31F4D5F1DA8B9A4C8586&gwt=pay

World War I a war triggered by a terrorist group and alliances drew nation after nation into the larger war, 17 million killed. WWII, 50-85 million killed, causes were mainly fascism and dictatorships trying to take over other countries.

Then we have later wars, Korea, Vietnam and now Iraq and other Mid-east countries. Upping the work of diplomats would hopefully prevent more of this.


AKA Deetsey
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The Civil War, revised upward recently to 750,000: https://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/03/...&gwh=EC245B74FE0D31F4D5F1DA8B9A4C8586&gwt=pay

World War I a war triggered by a terrorist group and alliances drew nation after nation into the larger war, 17 million killed. WWII, 50-85 million killed, causes were mainly fascism and dictatorships trying to take over other countries.

Then we have later wars, Korea, Vietnam and now Iraq and other Mid-east countries. Upping the work of diplomats would hopefully prevent more of this.
Today is a day of memorial to those that gave their lives. I think it would be best if you didn’t discrace that by making their efforts seem meaningless.


Super OPE Member
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Today is a day of memorial to those that gave their lives. I think it would be best if you didn’t discrace that by making their efforts seem meaningless.

That was not my intention at all, we should memorialize all those who died in service. I apologize for giving offence.

'When proper respect towards the dead is shown at the end and continued after
they are far away, the moral force (te) of a people has reached its highest point.'
(Ancient Chinese. Analects, i. 9)

'They came to the fields of joy, the fresh turf of the Fortunate Woods and
the dwellings of the Blessed . . . here was the company of those who had
suffered wounds fighting for their fatherland.' (Roman. Virgil, Aeneid, vi.
638-9, 660)

'Praise and imitate that man to whom, while life is pleasing, death is not
grievous.' (Stoic. Seneca, Ep. liv)


Super OPE Member
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Feb 22, 2019
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Thanks for posting this on Memorial Day, we had an excellent ceremony after the march at the local cemetery.

As an aside I felt insulted by a friend who emailed me how he likes the political philosophy of Social Darwinism, I couldn't disagree more! Our country was founded on principles of freedom, not might makes right.

My response to him:

Everyone is a loser in Social Darwinism; Nazi Germany was the most Darwinist government in history, most of the other fascists, demagogues and dictators have subscribed to that "lucky" view of life because what rises to the top is not often cream but scum. The scummiest person making others unhappy as a tyrant represents nothing but an inversion of values.
Today is a day to honor the military people who did honorable things. They don't let people in unless they have a high school diploma or a ged which is not to say that to be "qualified" is to be honorable.