Afternoon from New Zealand to all!
This is the first post for me here although I have been an avid reader for quite some time

I am a Stihl fan as I one of my earliest memories is of my father (who owned a Stihl dealership in the late 1970's) occupying myself and my brother by repairing Stihls for friends and relations and showing us how they came to bits and went back together. I have since inherited some of his old tools and the tradition continues.....
I have just built a Stihl MS660 with an OEM bottom end and a Cross MMWS cylinder and Hyway poptop piston - this saw goes like a cut cat (as we say in NZ)
I also own:
My Grandfathers Stihl 020 (which has unfortunately lost spark)
Stihl 015
Stihl 041 AV
Stihl 031 AV (with aftermarket electronic ignition)
Stihl MS261 Carby version
Stihl 026 (which I am selling)
Stihl HS 246 Hedgetrimmer attachment (very tidy)
And I'm about to start on a Huztl MS361 build with a hyway cylinder and piston. Seriously keen to see how this goes together.
I read the threads talking about the difficulty of finding fuel without Ethanol with some amusement as the lowest grade fuel we can get here in NZ is 91 Octane and the highest grade premium fuel is 98 Octane! And it's available from the pump

No fuel out here (although gas is probably is relatively expensive @ $9.06NZD per US Gallon for 98) has any Ethanol - we simply can't get it!
HS246 Trimmer attachments are quite common here in NZ, are they rare in the US?
I'll try and get some pics of stuff at the weekend and post them here.