I don't like letting shops adjust my carb, half the time they hire people who don't know as much as you do.
If the saw has any mods (muff mod, etc) start with the Lo one full turn our, and the Hi 1 + 1/4 turn out. When it warms up a bit, make sure the saw 4 strokes (breaks up) at WOT if it is not in the wood, and cleans up in the cut. Likely you will end up with the Hi about 1 + 1/16 turn out, but this is just an educated guess. (If your carb has limiters, pull them).
The bottom screw is the idle adjustment. Try adjusting that to get the idle where you want it. If that does not work, adjust the Lo a bit, then go back to the idle adjustment screw.
You need to learn to tune your saw anyway, may as well do it now. If conditions change (or saws can adjust on their own), and it does not 4 stroke, turn that Hi screw out (counter clockwise). Running the Hi too lean will burn up your saw.