Honestly I can only blame myself with hopes of finding an operational saw used, like
@Knightmax said it's a gamble , scraping noises inside are usually a good indicator of badness though. It is possible that enough people haven't handled a roached top end saw also?, my experience is vast!
@heimannm built my finest running 82cc McCulloch, it did try to escape his hands to blow up on me though! As most are well aware; he's a man of his word and persistent.
I've been having a run of bad luck with saws lately too, so maybe I'll focus more on using the ones that do run and wait for warmer weather to hang out in the shop rebuilding ones that don't.
I have a couple vehicle projects to keep me occupied for awhile right now too.
FYI I keep all my bad topends just incase things get sorted with the plating or sleeves.