After getting to run it did you notice anything other to need a going through? I guess if all is good, your daughter could still add some work to the saw by having it painted blue.The 7-10 is alive!
$525 for part of a 125 ? Somebody is dreaming .Good grief
That's what I've been telling my lady friend,she just smiles ..So much for that .A LONG part though)))))
Ok how bout this
McCulloch parts steamer...
I have an oddball titan 620. Not many out there. Well I like this saw and the bar mount pattern is confusing me. Everything I look up says it takes a 176 pattern bar, the 176 has a 8mm slot but my bar studs are just shy of 9mm. Does anyone know what bar would fit? I seems the 176 tensioner stud and oil hole line up fine.