Well, a few things I need to touch on first... I am a 3rd generation saw racer at only one event. The whole group I run against hasn't really evolved any since it started about 50 years ago. No one from the outside has come much, and as I know I am the only one that's ventured out to another GTG (Livingston, TN 2012 I think). So, as a group we've all reached a plateau in performance. There was very little to influence a learning curve. Also, I have always tried to run what my family sells and that hasn't always worked out. Echos require a lot more work than I may be capable of, or at least what I was capable of just 3 years ago. The 056 and 281 can be made to run with less effort than the 8000.....is what it is.
Now, I had only attended 1 GTG a year, so I developed a "Run or Die" mentality with my equipment. Which isn't too bad considering I had a year to get everything back in order. Going to several GTG's a year I cannot do that, I'll have to run it to last.
This is what happened: I had run e-85 mixed with nitro, I would add nitro until I started loosing adjustability with the carburetor (25-30% by volume) and run that mixture. What I did was I mixed the fuel during the day and raced at night. The air improved going into the night and every saw I had leaned out more(no adjustability and running like they had an air leak).....then I was done. Some how my dad mustered up a win with the 084 in stock appearing.....how he did that I will never know, lol.
EJ was there last year and educated all of us on how much more power we needed to find and also that we needed to do more research on race chains. No one had race chains before last year. But, it was a good time watching someone that was prepared to say the least. I'm glad EJ could come out to see us poor folks, LOL.