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The forestry and logging pictures thread


West coast cutter
Local time
5:53 PM
User ID
Feb 19, 2019
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That last job I did for Alpine we didn't have to mess with anything 30" or under on the butt because they had a newer dangle-head on the skip landing and then a big, older stroke de-limber on the main landing.
I can't remember what brand that machine was but it would handle a good-sized log. When I worked on Bud Van Norman's side, he had a machine that could handle up to about 26".

We were taking one long log on all the Alpine jobs - they were running a TSY-155 at the time, it could pull a pretty big stick. We would set up a row of high stumps and make a bed for the oversize.
One time I threw down a 70" Fir in the bed and the top broke out and it bounced up and over the high stumps and went all the way to the bottom. I got chewed out pretty good for that one.
It was entertaining to watch though.
I did that up stinchfield out of Milo. Except I left an entire layer of standing trees. @CLEARCUT and I jacked it back, it hit rolled uprooted all the trees and rattled all the way to the bottom. That was a 3 hour bucking run lol


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
7:53 PM
User ID
Mar 26, 2017
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I don't have a link or pics on my phone. But if yall have seen the episode of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe where he is in Santa fe Tennessee logging with mules,its pretty cool, plus the that's in the video with him and owner of the little operation is Joey Mills my wife's cousin. He does alot of this logging for people that are selective cutting and wanting very minimal land damage.

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