The first run through the jets is the hardest. Going from .25mm to .30mm takes a lot longer and more patience. However, after that the jets ream out they are very easy.
If it is the first time you do the mod, you might get a bit of wobble during the first part of the jet, but it will go go through the bottom cleanly. Just don't keep turning the drill/reamer after you punch through.
I use an arm chair that I can rest my elbows on to help stabilize my hands. The carb sits on the side of the table so that it can lie flat. Just go slow and easy the first time.
Getting the idle/transition (referred to in the link as the 'main') jet out will be a hassle the first time you do it. Everybody (Poleman, me, Randy, ....) chopped the top of the jet off. You need to make up a special tool to grip the jet down low and twist the jet as you pull it. Once you can get the jet to twist you should be good - pretend you are 'unscrewing' the jet from the carb.
After you get the carb running, you might tweak the throttle response with some shims under the metering spring. It doesn't change the jetting any, but you can get the carb to work like a light switch. It won't make you cut wood any faster, but it sure feels impressive.