The twin jets are easy to mod for lots of different size engines. They are also designed similar to the Mikuni diaphragm carb.
The flow in the idle/transition circuit is controlled by a jet, not the 'low speed' needle. The 'low speed' needle is actually ONLY a mixture control for the idle. The idle circuit also has a long thin channel to set up a 'freight train' of bubbles and fuel to the idle port so that the idle mixture is more uniform. It is just a well designed carb.
There are different functions of a carb. Idle mixture, transition, total low speed circuit flow and high speed circuit flow.
Whereas if you are working with a Walbro HD, if you tweak the low speed needle you change the idle mixture, transition and also the total flow in the low speed circuit.
In the Zama you can tweak each function separately, that makes it a much easier carb to dial in.