lehman live edge slab
Live Action

I’ve been hearing that stihl has a new scanner to replace the mdg1. Wondering if this is true and if it is will the old scanner be obsolete on the 462/500 i?
They do it’s mentioned in the catalog
That’s great to hear! Sorry, living in Canada we have very little info on them so far. The fact that they released a limited amount of the 462’s here a short period ago but no full wrap or heat versions just had me thinking.
Thanks for the info!
Have a look at the Canadian Catalog believe also there mentioned
Thanks for the quick response. To be honest I’ve never thought about looking at a catalog, I just usually check the stihl Canada website under chainsaws. I guess I should look a little harder lol
Thanks again!
I don’t suppose you have a link to download that from? Haven’t seen the new catalog at the dealer yet. Thanks !!
Roger that.... Far more interested in how they handle in the woods than cutting cookies.Thats where those vids came from. Europe.
Roger that.... Far more interested in how they handle in the woods than cutting cookies.
I saw the one vid with the cutting of spruce with 20” bars... maybe some feedback on bigger bars, more hours/bigger jobs...