Howdy boys. I ran this idea by Randy earlier in the year and with the calendar moving along nicely, we're going to have ourselves a little retirement sale. Going to close the store at the end of the year and the long range plan is to e-bay all of the remaining. NLA/NOS Husky and Jonny parts we've accumulated over the years. But the short range plan is to give all the members here first crack at this stuff. Like to see these parts find a good home where they will actually be used.
There are some gems, that I suppose would warrant an individual posting. There are some things that I stashed away that I'll never use. You know how the collection gets out of hand. Set aside a P&C for a saw "just in case" and then you end up with 6 of those saws and you'll never wear them out.
For the most part, I think the protocol ought to be to send me a PM first with what you might need to finish a project/build and avoid the phone until we know what we are doing. (It rings enough as it is

Practically nothing on 2100 stuff before anyone goes in that direction. Fairly strong in the 2xx series stuff. There's a lot of decent used parts that would be a good alternative in the absence of new. 242 chassis starters would be an example of that. New ones are NLA, but I have 8-9 used ones that are in decent shape. New rope and off ya go. Lot of mounts; springs. Same goes for the Jonsered parts. Have some of those many oddball fuel and oil caps that they have used over the years, not that I'm looking to sell a single oil cap, but we got 'em.
As this gets going the lack of professionalism in our "shipping department" may occasionally cause delays. (say, Dollar General runs out of packing tape.) But we'll figure it out.
Not being on as much lately is mostly about my antique computer no longer being able to load the site at home, so responses will mostly be during business hours.