SINCE 1828
adjective co·pa·cet·ic \ˌkō-pə-ˈse-tik\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Examples: copacetic in a sentence
Editor's note: The mysterious origin ofcopacetic
Definition of copacetic
- : very satisfactory
copacetic defined for kids
words that rhyme with copacetic
Examples of copacetic in a sentence
- <don't worry, because I assure you that everything's copacetic>
The mysterious origin of copacetic
Theories about the origin of
copacetic abound. The tap dancer Bill "Bojangles" Robinson believed he had coined the word as a boy in Richmond, Virginia. When patrons of his shoeshine stand would ask, "How’s everything this morning?" he would reply, "Oh jes’ copacetic, boss; jes’ copacetic." But the word was current in Southern Black English perhaps as early as 1880, so it seems unlikely that Robinson (born in 1878) could have invented the term. Another explanation is that the word is from the Hebrew phrase
kol be sedher, meaning "everything is in order." Possibly it was coined by Harlem blacks working in Jewish businesses. The word’s popularity among Southern blacks, however, points to its originating in one of the Southern cities in which Jewish communities thrived, such as Atlanta.