I see some mention of the Kioti tractors. Last summer one of my sons came over to get one of the flatbeds. I asked what he was going after and he said he bought a Kioti. Now of course I heard coyote and looked at him like "what in the hell are you talking about"? He explained it was a small tractor and he bought a new one from a dealer about 2 hours southeast of here. I laughed and asked him who signs his paychecks. He knew what i meant. He works for the Deere heavy equipment dealer. I joked with him but could not blame him for not buying a Deere. I have never owned a Deere farm tractor. Well he got the tractor home and right away had issues. He took it back once and they "fixed" it. Well they did not fix it and the hydraulics would still leak down. He used it the way it was through the winter and then this Spring took it back to the dealer. They have had it over 6 months now and still have not done anything. Yes you could blame the dealer but a brand new tractor should not have issues.