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Muh fingers look really big
Local time
3:31 AM
User ID
Dec 31, 2015
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East Jordan, MI
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Kevin, I think you went way beyond my question, but Deets makes some great points regarding bevel. I do not try to make the exhaust port roof flat, but I arch it less than some others do. I also ALWAYS make sure the exhaust floor is beveled properly.

Sometimes it may be an optical illusion, but I've looked at a lot of cylinders, both stock and ported, and the exhaust floor is often nearly flat while the roof is arched, and it just makes me question why???

And not that I have that much experience, but I have seen several rings that hung on the exhaust floor (only one that I did, and the rod bearing was going on that one) and have never seen one hang on the roof.

I'm just trying to share my observations and learn a little, I don't have the answers, just lots of questions!
It's hard to tell arch without a piston in the bore. The exhaust flange on most stihl cylinders points up a little. On most Huskies it points down. Unless you're looking perfectly perpendicular to the port, you can't tell how much arch is really there without using the piston as a reference