This cylinder has a lot of time on it and is probably 15 years old and would have ran perfect for most everybody but guys like me or Scott no there's something wrong.I've seen a few crazy stuff on a new saw. Some showed up right off the bat on a new start up and some didn't.
One was a ms251 with no piston ring pins. Customer ran it for about 15 min before it caught a port.
No it was just like this saw, ran and tuned fine but didn't have power like it should and had a bland feel to it.Was it a little slow to come down to idle? And low side seemed a little off?
It's without a doubt the overall poorest quality stihl cylinder I've ever seen.Guys, saw is mine and I bought it as a rebuild project. It was ran at Randy's GTG and the guy said it ran great, and showed 155 compression but had some scoring. It must have been running fine to get past the group there. Thanks Jason for finding it and fixing it.
Those transfers are huge
It's a hole in the casting.
Barely leaks and I'm sure nobody ever noticed it.
It ran ok and tuned and idled good but it was blah and shouldn't be and once in a while it would run away at wfo.
Failed vacuum test bad but had to air it up in a bucket of water to find it.
This cylinder has a lot of time on it and is probably 15 years old and would have ran perfect for most everybody but guys like me or Scott no there's something wrong.
I was telling a guy last night that I thought it had a airleak,it was hard to find.
Looked most of the day for the problem that took 10 seconds to fix.
...didn't have power like it should and had a bland feel to it.
Very small airleak
It was ran at Randy's GTG and the guy said it ran great, and showed 155 compression but had some scoring. It must have been running fine to get past the group there.
It's already fixed.
I just put some jb weld on it when I fixed the exhaust port,I always grind through on the roof.
I did grind through this cylinder,I grind through every cylinder generally but not where it was leaking.
That looks to me like a thin spot, ground through when the transfers were major widened. You can see where it's thin around the actual hole. I'd like to see a pic of the transfer from the inside at that point.
A hole that size would have been a huge air leak, one that wouldn't have held pressure or vacuum at all. It should have bubbled up like crazy when sprayed with something like Windex.
How high is the exhaust in order to grind through it?