I appreciate the Doc's offer, and maybe down the road I will take him up on that. However, my "self imposed" rules of my little game here was to see what the average guy could do with a Hemi Jug and a D jug, respectively, w/o any machining. In other words, just do at home stuff that most of us can do.
I was planning on using that OEM piston, and I still may, but I already have some Meteor's on order which should arrive long before the tank handles, so I will check squish with one of them.
I knew from measuring the jugs the squish band on each would be different. However, I used the Hemi jug with the tighter combustion chamber, so .018 may be a bit much. However, the exhaust ports are higher on the Hemi jugs, so that may balance things out. If the Hemi is tough to pull over, I will just add a thin base gasket.
Hey, if the D jugs ran great with a base gasket (and they did), it should be much better now! We will see.
Basically, I want to see what these things run like with a base gasket delete, timing advance, and muffler mods. That combo worked very well for both my 044 and my 440, so I want to replicate it with these two saws. Will see what happens.