Not intending to thread hack, so I will keep it short...
I have gigantic tonsils and an overly thick tongue that prevent me from being able to properly breathe without it being difficult, they are also causing sleep apnea, as well as constant sinus infections. I snore worse than anybody I have ever heard of and I can’t sleep in the same room as my wife, much less go on vacations/camping/ hunting trips with my family or my buddies, because everyone would be so mad at me for keeping them up all night.... when we go out of town for a short vacation, we always have to find a hotel with a suite with a seperate door and I still keep my wife from sleeping in the next room.
I have been living with it forever, but my batteries are finally running down because of repeated years of lack of deep sleep, and I just don’t have the energy to do much anymore. My doc says I won’t last another 10 years at this rate, so I have to do drastic changes for breathing and weight loss. I have lost 20lbs in the last month from cutting 95% of sugar and carbs, and my goal is to loose 45 lbs total to get down to 260 and stay there with lifestyle diet changes. I am very “stocky” and stout at only 6’0. Thankfully, I still have most of my strength at this point, as I used to have “gorilla power”, now maybe closer to an orangutan.... haha