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Official Shemane Witmer Raffle Prize Selection Thread.

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Scotty Overkill

Serial Tree Killer
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7:11 AM
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Jun 14, 2016
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Six, one-half dozen the other...draw names and let it roll. If the organizer of the GFM cannot decipher as to who any specific ‘Anonymous’ is (and I have no clue as to whether the organizer has that capability or not), let’s move on. Leave all ‘Anonymous’ pulls off the drawing order, and let’s rock & roll with this thing.

What was accomplished as the primary goal of this GFM/raffle for Shemane and family is the only thing that matters when it’s all said and done.

Carry on with the Plan of the Day!
This is the first time I ever did a GFM (and it will be the last, after this mess), I looked everywhere and I can't see where I can view any anonymous donors. That's the whole reason of it being "anonymous".

I feel bad, but it was explained that people were to leave a note with a screenname and also a site affiliation on the GFM, so we had a way of entering them in the drawing. There were even donors who donated with a name but deferred the raffle, right in the comments.

I will continue to donate to good causes such as this, but I will have no part in organizing it.


Chief Cat Herder
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Because your name is published for all to see and you can/are then solicited by other “GFM” fundraisers.

A non-issue sir.

If your purpose is to donate to help someone else out, they why wouldn't everyone check it?

Then you're not entering the raffle, you're making a donation, and should not expect to be included in the raffle. Agreed?

Yea, tell me about it, like I wanted them to have my email address!!!

I've entered every raffle we've ever had, and have never been a victim of "solicitation". Besides....don't you know what a spam filter is?
Local time
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Dec 24, 2017
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This is the first time I ever did a GFM (and it will be the last, after this mess), I looked everywhere and I can't see where I can view any anonymous donors. That's the whole reason of it being "anonymous".

I feel bad, but it was explained that people were to leave a note with a screenname and also a site affiliation on the GFM, so we had a way of entering them in the drawing. There were even donors who donated with a name but deferred the raffle, right in the comments.

I will continue to donate to good causes such as this, but I will have no part in organizing it.

I have never been on the “admin” side of GFM but have with other fundraisers. It can get pretty insane pretty quick and I don’t fault you or anyone else for what is going on. I also don’t envy you for running this and don’t blame you for not wanting to do it again.

The other point we all need to remember is that not all of the donations came from people on this site. I know my SiL donated and assume one of the Annonymous is her. She knew about the raffle and she ain’t gettin no raffle ticket; no name associated with.

It is what it is at this point.


Pinnacle OPE Member
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May 13, 2018
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And when people buy things or win things from others off this site a name is in the postal label. There are many ways our names get out and about.
If someone doesn’t desire to leave a name at least go back to the first few posts of a raffle thread, retrieve the organizers information and send them a message or email containing your name username and how much you donated. This way they can account for it in an ongoing fashion instead of all at once bombarding the person with “I don’t see me name” when they show the list of entrants.

If someone is worried about Uncle Sam or identity theft it sounds to me like they need to educate themselves on they many easier and less work involved ways that the aformentioned folks have to retrieve their information. Or the more sophisticated methods as well.

If you have nothing to hide and your on the up and up donate away as was the original intent and move on down the road. I figure a bit of spam email is easy to deal with. Set a filter in any email service to send anything with GFM to trash. Check later for your donation confirmation and move it to in box.


Chief Cat Herder
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Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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I will continue to donate to good causes such as this, but I will have no part in organizing it.

I feel the same way.

The word "clusterfuck" comes to mind.

I'll be around if you guys need me.....but forum burnout is strong today for this old guy.


Mastermind Approved!
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7:11 AM
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May 11, 2016
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Southeast, TN
I've been in atleast 5 of these and have never had any unwanted emails. Yall *f-worders are so scared or worried that you may get an unwanted email that you didn't leave a name but somehow out of all the donations they are suppose to know who you are? Stfu and sit down. Tuff luck cry babies. Learn how to use GFM or don't *b-word.


Mastermind Approved!
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7:11 AM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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I feel bad, but it was explained that people were to leave a note with a screenname and also a site affiliation on the GFM

Yes, that was clearly stated.
I will continue to donate to good causes such as this, but I will have no part in organizing it.

That is a shame. When good people refrain from doing good things, that is never a good outcome!

This has happened before, and the wording on the site is misleading, but for future fund raisers, it should be made clear that if you say "anonymous" you will not be included in the raffle.

For this one, the "leave a note with a screenname was clearly stated" … end of discussion, let's move on. Sorry if the instructions were not clear to everyone, but they were there.


Mastermind Approved!
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7:11 AM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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I've been in atleast 5 of these and have never had any unwanted emails.

I have not been so lucky. I had never heard of these things before, but since I entered a few of them, I regularly get solicited on behalf of folks I never heard of.

RI Chevy

Mastermind Approved!
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May 7, 2016
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Just mentioning in passing. I have received several requests from unknown people from past GFM donations. And I do not do FB. Thus my snail mail, right to the source donation.
But instead of trashing members, take a step back and have some understanding and compassion. We are all "friends" here. This is a great site with outstanding members. I am honored, privileged and proud to have met many of them.
With that said, the organizers are doing the best job they can too.
We have to understand what they are going through too. I know WE are all better than this. We can and will overcome all of this. Look to the goal of this whole deal here. [emoji482]

p61 western

Ol Mudflap
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4:11 AM
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Oct 18, 2016
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Mastermind Approved!
Local time
7:11 AM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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Besides....don't you know what a spam filter is?

No I don't … see, your not the old guy! I'm the one who tells my kids there is nothing like a smart phone to make you look stupid!

Every time I learn how to use a function (like navigate), they update the damn thing and change it! (it went from being an independent icon to being included in the map function, w/o my knowledge). Very darn frustrating when I'm out on the road trying to use it!

Then it re alphabetized my contacts … based on how the sound, not how they are spelled … drove me nuts till I figured out what happened. Could not find them by first or last name, thought they were gone!

Not that I did not learn computers … but CPM was the operating system. Then came DOS, then the stupid Windows which is more like a kids game … and then they keep updating that with no relation to previous versions! W/O kids and step kids, I'd be lost!


Chief Cat Herder
Staff member
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
6:11 AM
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Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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Just mentioning in passing. I have received several requests from unknown people from past GFM donations. And I do not do FB. Thus my snail mail, right to the source donation.
But instead of trashing members, take a step back and have some understanding and compassion. We are all "friends" here. This is a great site with outstanding members. I am honored, privileged and proud to have met many of them.
With that said, the organizers are doing the best job they can too.
We have to understand what they are going through too. I know WE are all better than this. We can and will overcome all of this. Look to the goal of this whole deal here. [emoji482]

Anytime you get an unwanted email.....just either report it as spam (you may not want to for GFM, as from then on every email from them goes in the spam folder) or use the unsubscribe option. That's usually right at the top of the email header. If not....it's at the bottle in the fine print.

This ain't rocket science fellers.....and a few emails ain't gonna hack your credit cards or attack you in your basement bunkers.


Mastermind Approved!
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2:11 PM
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Mar 8, 2018
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Evia, Greece
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Some repeats from previous round of picks. I think Post #1 states "can only win once".

1 @Big1066ih
2 @NCFarmboy
3 @Scotty Overkill

4 jack straw
5 @redline4
6 @nohoff
7 @Chris Riley
8 chazsbetterhalf
9 @AlfA01
10 @p61 western
11 gasifer
12 @Definitive Dave
13 Mike miser
14 Shawn Ghormley
15 @bigbadbob
16 Anonymous
17 @shadco
18 @kfd518
19 @Billy Currie
20 @Redfin
21 @LOMartin
22 @Tugg
23 Aaron Oldenburger
24 @NCFarmboy
25 @kfd518

26 Dave & Vicki Stinchfield
27 @Czed
28 save money
29 gunner Brokaw
30 @nickw
31 @jk14
32 @Cat 525
33 stlshrk
34 @Clemsonfor
36 @Cat 525
37 imwiley1
38 @Red97
39 Brian Anders
40 @Scotty Overkill ?
41 Mike brennan
42 @Whitty21
43 @Dub11
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