Son Jared gave me something yesterday...
He bought this Zippo four years ago when he got orders to the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier, working F/A-18’s. He doesn’t smoke...he bought it just to tote around in his pocket.
In turn, which was the deal from the get-go, he just didn’t know...gave Jared the new Weatherby 6.5 Creedmoor bolt-action long gun. I’ll deck the Weatherby out with a damn nice scope and rings coming up.
I’ve been blessed with two level-headed kiddos. He don’t keep me on my toes nowhere near what that crazy ass, 21-yr old college daughter Kaitlyn does. She graduates 4-yrs of college/Nursing School this coming May ‘ old man can’t be more proud than they’ve made me. They knew growing up, straight Corps hell would come knocking if they *f-wordked up and went down the wrong road. I couldn’t ask for a better deal...ain’t no hand in cards better than this!
The Carl Vinson Zippo lighter means the world to me...I’ll tote it til’ the day my ass blows off this planet!
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