Thats Brent
@Dream is the crane man. I'm just a peasant carpenter. LOL
The aluminum plant here has 11 giant smelting pots my friend was telling me.
Above the pots on a central beam with a crane riding on it
What happens is a big wrecking ball looking atachment is lowered
Into each pot to stir the molten aluminum.
It takes skill to get it swinging before you
Drop it in the pot to stir.
You rock it back and forth to get rotation started.
Well a know-it-all new hire claimed to be
All man and fully experienced
In this operation.
Unbelievably they turned him loose on this crane with no supervision just a walkie
After he finally got it swinging
And way too fast by the way
He got scared and terrifyingly raised it
Out of the pot
at full speed and rotation
You're have to let it wind down before pulling it.
Not this guy
Much screaming from the foreman on the walkie went unanswered.
And when raised that wrecking ball was swinging inches from the
Cab of the crane
On the surveillance camera it swinging looked two inches from taking it off the beam.
He got it calmed down finally
And procedded to hold the crane wide open
They move at a pretty good speed and he was in reverse
He started at pot 1 and passed 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10a 10b
Don't ask I have no idea why they are numbered as such.
After passing 10b it's 40 some feet until you hit the rubber puck on the
rail stop
And the block wall.
He never slowed and when he hit
It blew all the windows out
The camera showed him looking like a pinball bouncing
and bottom of his boots
Flopping around and sticking out where the glass used to be.
He got on the walkie and said I'm good
What do you want me to do next.