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Piss Jug Tosser
Local time
9:45 AM
User ID
May 11, 2020
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United States
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Yup sitting in the same seat for over 40 years like Mitch McConnell is just ridiculous. 8 year max and GTFO
McConnell, Schumer, Grassley, Pelosi, Feinstein who literally died in office...

"Politician" is supposed to be a civic duty, not a career.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
5:45 AM
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Oct 18, 2018
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This, open primaries and ranked choice voting would be a good start for both our countries. I had this podcast on the other day while mowing, thought some of it was very interesting.

@3browns have you noticed anything different in AK with ranked choice voting?

I am willing to bet a large sum of money that 90% of the voting population of Alaska doesn't have the faintest clue how ranked choice voting works, and the 10% that does, hates it

I have yet to see if it increases the % of people getting out and voting and I am not sold that it is an accurate reflection of the will of the public


Not Getting Any Rain
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
9:45 AM
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Oct 12, 2021
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East, TN
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McConnell, Schumer, Grassley, Pelosi, Feinstein who literally died in office...

"Politician" is supposed to be a civic duty, not a career.
I like your optimism Joe, but make no mistakes, nobody gets close to one of those offices until they have been compromised. It starts out innocent, maybe a kickback for something small, an illicit affair, regardless. They have dirt on all of them. None of them will go against the machine. Sound bites yes, but never anything meaningful. They play along, and as a reward, they are allowed to enrichen themselves. Impossible to get there with a clean record. You will be drugged and put into a bed with a prostitute and filmed. You will be told to vote a certain way on a piece of legislation and the tape will disappear. They record you making this deal. Now they own you. Such a shame that this is the way it happens. What do you think Epstein's island was for? Remember how they waited before scooping up any evidence at that place? I do.

Live your life, be a good human, take care of your family and your neighbors. Other stuff too, which I won't mention.

Not political, just telling it like it is. Sorry Randy for the speech.


346 Pic Examiner
Local time
1:45 AM
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Apr 20, 2020
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Marsden Pt, NZ
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I like your optimism Joe, but make no mistakes, nobody gets close to one of those offices until they have been compromised. It starts out innocent, maybe a kickback for something small, an illicit affair, regardless. They have dirt on all of them. None of them will go against the machine. Sound bites yes, but never anything meaningful. They play along, and as a reward, they are allowed to enrichen themselves. Impossible to get there with a clean record. You will be drugged and put into a bed with a prostitute and filmed. You will be told to vote a certain way on a piece of legislation and the tape will disappear. They record you making this deal. Now they own you. Such a shame that this is the way it happens. What do you think Epstein's island was for? Remember how they waited before scooping up any evidence at that place? I do.

Live your life, be a good human, take care of your family and your neighbors. Other stuff too, which I won't mention.

Not political, just telling it like it is. Sorry Randy for the speech.
Any reason you're "Not Full Chizel"?


Piss Jug Tosser
Local time
9:45 AM
User ID
May 11, 2020
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United States
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I like your optimism Joe, but make no mistakes, nobody gets close to one of those offices until they have been compromised. It starts out innocent, maybe a kickback for something small, an illicit affair, regardless. They have dirt on all of them. None of them will go against the machine. Sound bites yes, but never anything meaningful. They play along, and as a reward, they are allowed to enrichen themselves. Impossible to get there with a clean record. You will be drugged and put into a bed with a prostitute and filmed. You will be told to vote a certain way on a piece of legislation and the tape will disappear. They record you making this deal. Now they own you. Such a shame that this is the way it happens. What do you think Epstein's island was for? Remember how they waited before scooping up any evidence at that place? I do.

Live your life, be a good human, take care of your family and your neighbors. Other stuff too, which I won't mention.

Not political, just telling it like it is. Sorry Randy for the speech.

Oh I'm not optimistic. It doesn't take much political power for people to become crooked, hell, the damn commissioners in my little township of 14k people are crooks. But I find the ones who have made entire careers out of it the most despicable.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
5:45 AM
User ID
Oct 18, 2018
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Maybe just maybe get back to the constitution and decent morals. We The People would be nice also but chances are slim.
In all seriousness, the people in power now have tried their best to trample the Constitution into the mud

They think they can cut, paste, and interpret that document to support their twisted agenda

And the worst part is the recent phenomenon of all the public witch trials they are getting away with

Trump is no saint, far from it, yet they act all moral and indignant and scream at the top of their lungs that he and apparently he alone, has ever pulled a shenanigan in his dealings, private and political

Apparently all the current powers that be are squeaky clean and have no family or friends that have stepped over the line, and if they have, well then just LITERALLY bury the opposition in a shallow grave

Look at Clarence Thomas, a black man on the supreme court but he won't play their game and vote their way so they expect us to ignore all the filth that THEY pulled and watch and go along as they roast him at the stake

I am sick of the left portraying the right as the evil, wealthy, white, scourge of humanity and source of all America's ills while portraying themselves as St George slaying the dragon


I am climbing down off my soapbox


Not Getting Any Rain
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
9:45 AM
User ID
Oct 12, 2021
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East, TN
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In all seriousness, the people in power now have tried their best to trample the Constitution into the mud

They think they can cut, paste, and interpret that document to support their twisted agenda

And the worst part is the recent phenomenon of all the public witch trials they are getting away with

Trump is no saint, far from it, yet they act all moral and indignant and scream at the top of their lungs that he and apparently he alone, has ever pulled a shenanigan in his dealings, private and political

Apparently all the current powers that be are squeaky clean and have no family or friends that have stepped over the line, and if they have, well then just LITERALLY bury the opposition in a shallow grave

Look at Clarence Thomas, a black man on the supreme court but he won't play their game and vote their way so they expect us to ignore all the filth that THEY pulled and watch and go along as they roast him at the stake

I am sick of the left portraying the right as the evil, wealthy, white, scourge of humanity and source of all America's ills while portraying themselves as St George slaying the dragon


I am climbing down off my soapbox
Be careful climbing down, don't break a hip. Lol. Also, I agree with you.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
5:45 AM
User ID
Oct 18, 2018
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I like your optimism Joe, but make no mistakes, nobody gets close to one of those offices until they have been compromised. It starts out innocent, maybe a kickback for something small, an illicit affair, regardless. They have dirt on all of them. None of them will go against the machine. Sound bites yes, but never anything meaningful. They play along, and as a reward, they are allowed to enrichen themselves. Impossible to get there with a clean record. You will be drugged and put into a bed with a prostitute and filmed. You will be told to vote a certain way on a piece of legislation and the tape will disappear. They record you making this deal. Now they own you. Such a shame that this is the way it happens. What do you think Epstein's island was for? Remember how they waited before scooping up any evidence at that place? I do.

Live your life, be a good human, take care of your family and your neighbors. Other stuff too, which I won't mention.

Not political, just telling it like it is. Sorry Randy for the speech.
Where can a person sign up for this?

Asking for a friend

p61 western

Ol Mudflap
Local time
6:45 AM
User ID
Oct 18, 2016
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Gathered my stuff. Was good getting some stuff off our chests huh?

Fugh em all.
It was a good healthy conversation with no fighting. Go figure huh. The government has gotten to big and definitely not for the people no matter who’s in office.


Not Getting Any Rain
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
9:45 AM
User ID
Oct 12, 2021
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East, TN
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It was a good healthy conversation with no fighting. Go figure huh. The government has gotten to big and definitely not for the people no matter who’s in office.
I would bet, aside from a few folks that are crazy, that most people just want to live a good life, be a good friend and neighbor. We can disagree on anything we wish, but I shouldn't be able to impose anything on you, nor you me. We could agree, or not. Still have a beer together. The psychopaths on the other hand, want to dictate their edicts on others. HOA's come to mind, but I might be wrong, as I never lived with one. Anyone who seeks power over another is a psychopath.