Ok, so I put it all back together after the jug re-seal and it is running much better. Idles without stopping, idles while turned in all directions. Doesn't sound "gaspy" like it did before. Only small issues are that when turned to the side and righted again, it stutters like the classic 026 fuel puddling issue. It does sound slightly more "gaspy" or lean when tilted upwards. The only rubber on the saw that is not OEM is the intake boot, so I ordered an OEM one. Maybe that will solve the issue. I ran it for about 45 minutes straight, and made a number of cuts in some 20" green pine that I have out back. Nicely 4-stroking in the wood, and recovers back to idle nicely afterwards. I want to spend some more time using this saw before I deem it worthy to sell. But I am feeling better about things.