I am an 044 sale away from being able to fund mine. Maybe a few more weeks. It seems real straightforward to me. I'm going to photo document the process and maybe even do a blog on it as there does not seem to be a ton of info out there on them.
I have a used OEM 460 cylinder and an 044 saw ready for the conversion. I would not use an 046/460 BB cylinder as it has been pretty well verified anecdotally that OEM Stihl cylinders run better and are more receptive to porting than AM BB cylinders.
Just need the 046 piston. Got the taps and drills to enlarge the cyl mounting holes on the crankcase. Dremel and burrs to elongate the cylinder screw holes and cut clearance between the 044 crank and 046 piston. Many other things I will run into I am sure.