That’s common of youtube, the silly algorithm can’t work out what’s a chainsaw.
if you know the vid link, Or any of your vids that you ave uploaded before. then paste it in the account details on the appeals link in the email. And say along the lines of what the vid is and you wanted to show someone it running. And that no violations of youtube polices were broken. Then you should get it back. It could take a day till they review it
with my other yt account that I made to upload vids of the comings&going’s in the block I live. Problem we have and to prove what Were saying is not a bunch of lies.
While I was setting it up, as setting all vids are for over 18s and the vids private until I share a link then it makes/ask to be unlisted, I got suspended due to suspicious activities. I,m guess It was because I used multi devices to log into it.
Anyhow I got it back
Good luck, and the other thing you could do if you wanted is to make a Vimeo account..