Wanna start this thread only because a search for 404 comes up with nothing.
If you know of a good thread covering this I’m eager to read it.
I haven’t found a dedicated 404 thread so this could probably serve as a catch all.
I’ve got quite a few bar and chain set ups but only very recently have I begun picking up 404. It seems beastly.
I think everyone has seen redbull661’s videos, and after talking with him I picked up a 28” and 36” 404 Bar for my incredibly badass Tree Monkey 661.
I’ve also got a basket McCulloch 795 and basket p60 that’ll both run 404 when I finish up the builds.
Seems like the choices for 404 are pretty lean..
Stihl, Oregon, Archer, Woodland Pro have full chisel offerings.
Semi Chisel options are about the same.
Stihl and Oregon are the only options for Square?
Seems like 404 would take to the file great?
It would seem to me that a semiskip, square chisel 404 .063 Chain would rule.
That’s my opening salvo.