I'm still pretty new here, and probably should keep my mouth shut, but withholding my opinion has never been a strong point..
I come here to read, learn, interact and enjoy myself. I read the drama, but it's like eating at McDonalds, I'm sorry for it afterward. I hate to see good folks leave over mere differences of opinion. It's like car dealers say.. There's an ass for every seat. Same with opinions, which is we all express... at least that's what I do.
I have no dog in this fight, and no axe to grind. The work of the subject looked crude to me, but I'm no expert on the matter.
Maybe I'm too Pollyanna, but can't we shake hands and agree to disagree? It can't be all that bad. Folks have been stickin' it to others since Cain met Abel (or, Abel met Cain, don't remember which!) There are some other New Yawkers I'd like to meet up with someday...