I'm not very good with words on the internet, my post don't always come out right , but I know thru experience cranking compression can be misleading. The internet tell you you more is better. I'm a believer there is more of a formula to determine what you need.
1.) What is your elevation?
2.) What are you cutting?
3.) What kind of chain you using? Bar length?
4.) How you operate a saw?
5.) What are your physical limitations?
Most saws that are factory hot rods are harder to get gains out of versus the typical pro rated saw. They generally have more cranking compression. In other words, if you tell me you got 200 plus compression and are four stroking at 15k plus, then bring the saw to Mastermind in December and let me run it.
I often relate saw experiences to automotive scenarios. I remember the day of the 5.0 mustangs and lingo and how it changed thru that era. I've been thru the truck scenes too. The moral of this as we all want a truck that pulls like a Mack, rides like a Cadillac but run like a Super charged mustang. We saw enthusiast what a small saw that pull like ole home lite, speed of a race saw but yet handle like limbing saw.
Ok, I may have ranted for a bit but to answer the question of cranking compression, in all my experiences the more compression is not always most powerful.