It's simply a matter of owning your chit.
Most of you guys know that I'm a recovering drug addict, and an ex con. If not for having the steps, and a hard core sponsor in NA, I seriously doubt any of you would have ever known me. So when you guys talk about second chances......I know what you are talking about. NA allowed me to have a second chance. It wasn't just handed to me. Nobody "gave" it to me. I didn't just sign up and all was right in the world for me. I worked my ass off to find that new way to live. I went to meetings up to 5 nights a week, worked a step a month, every month for three years solid. I did service work, and carried the message that an addict can find a new way to live into jails, prisons, and treatment centers. I wrote a monthly newsletter for the Upper Cumberland Area Of Narcotics Anonymous for 5 years. Those newsletters are still in the archives on the area website I suppose. Maybe y'all wanna read some of em? Some of my articles were published by NA World Services. Yes......I put in the effort. I didn't deny that I'd made mistakes. I faced up to them, and did everything in my power to make it right.
So tell do we allow Kenny to have a second chance if he won't even admit that he did anything wrong? You do realize that at any point he could have reached out to me and asked me to help him return Todd's saw. But I never heard from him......did any of you guys?