Damn rough ride you been on.
I hope things get better for you brother
I hope things get better for you brother
Hang in there sir. I was diagnosed with stage IV Colon cancer in January, two units low on blood. Urgent care Doc at VA told me I had to take an ambulance to a VA hospital many miles away. I refused has matters to attend to. The Doctor actually told us I would die if I didn't go, that pissed me off. Went to Travis afb two weeks later and got transfusion. Wound up having softball sized tumor removed from Colon at SF VA hospital. Back to Travis for Power port in chest for Chemo. Chemo has been working shrinking and killing tumors. August 9 they cut a section of my liver off and burned two remaining tumors, it about killed me. Feeling much better now and I go back for "Mild" Chemo in the morning. Make yourself eat and try to exercise. I've enjoyed all of your posts and look forward to more. Never give up man. I've survived being shot and blown up while at war, I'm determined not to go out like this. We are praying for you sir. Take care. LarryHad a hard time and wrestled with letting everyone my condition. A few do but this is a private fight.
On August 28 I had surgery to remove a baseball size tumor and do an intestinal resection. I had lost half my blood and had went into AFib three times looking for the bleed. Upper and lower scopes were good, I felt better so they thought it would take care of it self. Sent me home, had a good night felt good in the morning and took snap around noon to try to catch up from the Hospital.
I woke up around 3ish and had to go to the bathroom and felt warm( unusual) was going to my bathroom downstairs.... but went back after my phone.... when I got downstairs and totally crashed..... I was instantly covers in sweat, t shirt soaked, shirts soaked.... things were fuzzy. Someone looking over me sent me back for my phone because I called my wife upstairs napping as she had just lost her father and had been with him before he passed.
My wife is a Nurse and a VERY GOOD one and when I seen the look on her face as I was lying on the floor I knew it wasn’t good. She asked if I could make it upstairs.... I said let me get to the chair first. A was back in AFib as I can tell. Told her I couldn’t unless I crawled. She called Emergency Services and I rod in the Ambulance to the Hospital. I converted out of AFib myself like before. Stabilized me an sent me for a CT scan. That showed a mass in my upper intestine. Went to surgery at 11:30 that night. The surgeon explained it to me and suggested it was cancer positive but has yet to be determined.
Did get the results and it was positive. Had Appointments with surgeon, Heart Dr. then Friday with the Oncologist.... started three years of Chemo.
Went in Sunday and it was found I have an infection. So between treating that and Chemo I truly feel like I’ve been run over by a tractor and a disk..... there is no place that doesn’t hurt.
Probably way to much info but I wanted to let everyone know why I’m not around or participate more.
Not looking for sympathy just wanna let my friends know what’s going on and the journey I’m on at this time.
Thank you all!!