Now then just a simple question .If those who advocate running mixtures such as 50 to 1 ratio explain how most chainsaw racers with 3 to 5000 dollar racing saws run much richer mixtures and why they do it .Are they wrong ?
No they are not wrong, they are 100% right.
Lubrication reuirements rise in relation to load,
this is the way to go, but you do realize that to keep
friction down, larger clearances are left, and a racing engine
will only last a short time before having to be re built, its the same
in Formyla 1,
A lot more fuel also goes through these engines, for a reason.
Lubrication and fuelling are two competely different issues,
trouble is, in a two stroke chainsaw engine they are combined, so if you
alter one you have altered the other.
Fuel aoso lubricates to an extent, like diesel in an injector,
it has its limitations, and can never replace oil where the need
arises, but with two stroke chainsaws, lube and fuel are combined in one
process and in one medium.