So I guess if we are using a fresh gallon or two of e free pump gas every month there really is no reason to buy the canned fuel? I can get 91 octane ethanol free gas 2 miles from home here in northeast pa for 3.15 a gallon. That's a lot cheaper than $75.00-90.00 for 5 gallon canned fuel although I realize it does already have the 2 cycle oil in it.
rich man share the wealth lol add 20 ounces of oil to that 5 gallons of gas and call it good.Just an update. I called every marina and Airport. Marinas are using Ethanol 10% gas jusy like every other gas station throughout the state. The Airports won't or can't sell in goid faith unless they see the wings. lol
So I caved in and bought this 5 gallon can of gas.
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