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Check Out This JMSSAWS 064


Chief Cat Herder
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9:01 PM
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Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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Ultimately, if we are going to hang someone on here lets use a rope made
from facts and not agendas.

I admit to having an agenda. I am on a mission to keep Jason from ripping more people off.

I'm sorry if you have a problem with that.


Pinnacle OPE Member
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9:01 PM
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Dec 30, 2015
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central louisiana
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I see your point, but why make a lesser performer someone else's problem?
It wasnt a lesser performer!!! It wasnt my preference of saw. Nothing against the saw at all. Some fellas like a high strung moderate torque saw. Some like a big torque saw. Some like a chain to do the cutting on its own, some like to put somthing behind it.

Just like some members on this site like to read and learn, and others like to run there mouth.. Wich One are you?
All you have done is make snide comments..and unlike your self. I dont have to be here. But something tells me you wouldnt know what to do with out it.. People like you are the reasons certain places go to chit.. If you dont have anything constructive to say to me. Then put your hands down and get off the Keyboard.

I dont run around this site stirring chit. With you or anybody else. Dont stir it with me!


Mastermind Approved!
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Jan 2, 2016
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Norwich, CT
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Ultimately, if we are going to hang someone on here lets use a rope made
from facts and not agendas.

I tend to surround myself with people like myself. Facts matter very much to me thats why I asked you.

I have no axe to grind with you. If it were someone else on the board I would have asked the same questions.

People "like me" do not accept what they are shown with blind faith as fact. Thank you for answering my questions.

Earlier Randy mentioned that it's great that we can talk like Men here, and speak out view points. This thread to me is the exact opposite. Those that have any questions are immediately jumped on as JMS supporters, when some have had no experience with him at all, they are just asking questions. Many of you leading the charge have never even spoken to Jason, and are following this blindly.
Even the saw in this thread, was it really supposed to be all NOS? There was no for sale thread. What was discussed by Bradley and Jason privately in text messages? He hasn't posted that as far as I saw.
Do I think a $1500 Saw should be perfect? Absolutely! But if they made a deal otherwise that doesn't make it wrong.
I absolutely see issues with Jason's work, and his attitude and business dealings, and I have told him this myself in the past, but I agree with John, if we are going to publicly hang him, it must be with only the facts.
Because first of all that's what many of y'all have fought for this country for, so we all can get a fair shake.
And second because when it's me or any of you that gets questioned, we deserve to be judged based on the facts as well.

I haven't posted because I'm sick of how some of you all are acting in this thread, and because I don't want to be grouped in as a Jms supporter. Truth is I never was, it was always about getting the facts to make an educated decision for MYSELF. I don't need others making my decisions.

John I'm with you, let's stick with facts, here is a fist bump. [emoji109]

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Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
9:01 PM
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Dec 30, 2015
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central louisiana
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Aaaand here we go again ...
No sir, we wont.. the only reason I even posted in this thread is because THE MODERATOR, Mr Evans asked me to.. Thats it. When the old thread was closed i said in it that I was done with it. Let the dead dog lay where it lay. But Randy asked me to speak up so I did.
Round 30...ding ding


Super OPE Member
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10:01 PM
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Apr 28, 2016
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Best answer.

I admit to having an agenda. I am on a mission to keep Jason from ripping more people off.

I'm sorry if you have a problem with that.

Lmao. Another best answer. Lmao

It wasnt a lesser performer!!! It wasnt my preference of saw. Nothing against the saw at all. Some fellas like a high strung moderate torque saw. Some like a big torque saw. Some like a chain to do the cutting on its own, some like to put somthing behind it.

Just like some members on this site like to read and learn, and others like to run there mouth.. Wich One are you?
All you have done is make snide comments..and unlike your self. I dont have to be here. But something tells me you wouldnt know what to do with out it.. People like you are the reasons certain places go to chit.. If you dont have anything constructive to say to me. Then put your hands down and get off the Keyboard.

I dont run around this site stirring chit. With you or anybody else. Dont stir it with me!


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
10:01 PM
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May 11, 2016
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Southeast, TN
Earlier Randy mentioned that it's great that we can talk like Men here, and speak out view points. This thread to me is the exact opposite. Those that have any questions are immediately jumped on as JMS supporters, when some have had no experience with him at all, they are just asking questions. Many of you leading the charge have never even spoken to Jason, and are following this blindly.
Even the saw in this thread, was it really supposed to be all NOS? There was no for sale thread. What was discussed by Bradley and Jason privately in text messages? He hasn't posted that as far as I saw.
Do I think a $1500 Saw should be perfect? Absolutely! But if they made a deal otherwise that doesn't make it wrong.
I absolutely see issues with Jason's work, and his attitude and business dealings, and I have told him this myself in the past, but I agree with John, if we are going to publicly hang him, it must be with only the facts.
Because first of all that's what many of y'all have fought for this country for, so we all can get a fair shake.
And second because when it's me or any of you that gets questioned, we deserve to be judged based on the facts as well.

I haven't posted because I'm sick of how some of you all are acting in this thread, and because I don't want to be grouped in as a Jms supporter. Truth is I never was, it was always about getting the facts to make an educated decision for MYSELF. I don't need others making my decisions.

John I'm with you, let's stick with facts, here is a fist bump. [emoji109]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Cool story bro...jms lover.....love ya lol


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
10:01 PM
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Feb 5, 2016
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grafton wv
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@Adirondackstihl may i ask a question about a picture is it edwads saw in the other thread of the rusty crank ?


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
10:01 PM
User ID
May 11, 2016
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Southeast, TN
No sir, we wont.. the only reason I even posted in this thread is because THE MODERATOR, Mr Evans asked me to.. Thats it. When the old thread was closed i said in it that I was done with it. Let the dead dog lay where it lay. But Randy asked me to speak up so I did.

Thank you for speaking up, once again.