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Check Out This JMSSAWS 064


Mastermind Approved!
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4:24 PM
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May 11, 2016
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Southeast, TN
I just off the phone with T1. He said to tell you all that he couldn't believe what pussies y'all were. Couldn't even ignore him on your own.......had to have some pansy assed computer assisted ignore to help you with it. LOL
Glad you find his worthless ass funny

Chainsaw Jim

Con Artist LLC
Local time
1:24 PM
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Feb 8, 2016
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Springfield Oregon
Your mission Brad, should you choose to accept it, will be to undick a power saw and record a video for proof. As always, should you end up in silence with the neighbors dog barking in the background, the community will criticize your actions. This saw will self destruct in 5....


Local time
4:24 PM
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Dec 24, 2015
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Central Pa
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1. That was nothing but an attempted cover-up by Jason because the customer wasn't happy with the saw.

What you don't know is that I pulled the cylinder off this saw before I ever ran it. It was fully inspected before I ran it. After all, that's what I was asked to do. I didn't just pull it out of the box, fire it up, and go WOT.

There was nothing obvious mechanically wrong with it. I found numerous issues of sloppy work, but nothing that would have caused a catastrophic failure. I even degreed the saw and pulled a compression check.

Before this video was made, I made one or two cuts with it to make sure it ran right and to tune it. It actually ran very well, IMHO. I turned on the camera, verified the tune RPMs on the tach, which was only 13,800 IIRC, and it went boom before I could video a cut in the wood.

For whatever reason, either the rod or the piston failed. My opinion is that it was the piston. It had been ground on and lightened, but not so much so that I anticipated its failure. Why did it fail? I can't tell you that.

5. Jason built the saw and it exploded, costing the owner $500 in parts alone. Is that not enough reason? How is it any different than Randy starting this thread?

Feel free to ask any questions. We all know what happens when we make assumptions.
I am 100% certain you will take this the wrong way but since Bossman says we are having a Big Boy conversation Im gonna type it regardless. Im not blaming you for the saws failure.

1. Your first point is pure speculation.

2. Why did you not reveal this in the previous thread regarding this saw? Hence, my question regarding the validity of metioning it in this thread.

3. You found nothing "obvious" which I am sure alot of us could miss, including myself. We all could "assume" that you tearing apart the saw may have lead to its demise? Ive done it myself, me and a certain circlip have a bad relationship.

4. So none of us is really certain what caused the failure.

5. See points 3 and 4. I havent assumed anything up till now. Thats why I asked about this saw. One thing I can say with 100% certainty is Edwad got the stick on this saw.

Which leads us back to my original question and now after your further explination. Why "was" this saw being discussed in this thread?

Stump Shot

Disciple of Monkey's
Local time
3:24 PM
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Jun 5, 2016
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Northwoods of Wisconsin
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WTF is going on in here? I come home from work to more debate of a open and shut case. The jury's gone home, the judge is napping and the executioner is sharpening his blade. WTF more could people possibly want at this point and time? If you can't figure it out on your own here it is, either make room on your work bench to fix a dicked up saw, dig through your junk piles for parts for dicked up saws, go through your couch cushion to look for money for dicked up saws OR STFU. Really that's all that's left, help out or get the fugg outta the damn way, you're part of the problem. Dammit people, can't we come together on this???


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
4:24 PM
User ID
May 11, 2016
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Southeast, TN
I am 100% certain you will take this the wrong way but since Bossman says we are having a Big Boy conversation Im gonna type it regardless. Im not blaming you for the saws failure.

1. Your first point is pure speculation.

2. Why did you not reveal this in the previous thread regarding this saw? Hence, my question regarding the validity of metioning it in this thread.

3. You found nothing "obvious" which I am sure alot of us could miss, including myself. We all could "assume" that you tearing apart the saw may have lead to its demise? Ive done it myself, me and a certain circlip have a bad relationship.

4. So none of us is really certain what caused the failure.

5. See points 3 and 4. I havent assumed anything up till now. Thats why I asked about this saw. One thing I can say with 100% certainty is Edwad got the stick on this saw.

Which leads us back to my original question and now after your further explination. Why "was" this saw being discussed in this thread?
A jms saw that failed...kinda a trend John. Brad could've caused the failure reassembling it? Yeah I'm sure but let's look at all the other saws that Jason has *f-worded people on.


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
4:24 PM
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Aug 22, 2016
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Penn Yan, NY
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Your mission Brad, should you choose to accept it, will be to undick a power saw and record a video for proof. As always, should you end up in silence with the neighbors dog barking in the background, the community will criticize your actions. This saw will self destruct in 5....
Nice reference to the dog barking.


Friend of the Riff Raff
Local time
4:24 PM
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Jan 8, 2016
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Franklin, OH
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I am 100% certain you will take this the wrong way but since Bossman says we are having a Big Boy conversation Im gonna type it regardless. Im not blaming you for the saws failure.

1. Your first point is pure speculation.

2. Why did you not reveal this in the previous thread regarding this saw? Hence, my question regarding the validity of metioning it in this thread.

3. You found nothing "obvious" which I am sure alot of us could miss, including myself. We all could "assume" that you tearing apart the saw may have lead to its demise? Ive done it myself, me and a certain circlip have a bad relationship.

4. So none of us is really certain what caused the failure.

5. See points 3 and 4. I havent assumed anything up till now. Thats why I asked about this saw. One thing I can say with 100% certainty is Edwad got the stick on this saw.

Which leads us back to my original question and now after your further explination. Why "was" this saw being discussed in this thread?
1. No, not given Jason's track record and all evidence.

2. Because I knew someone would find fault with it. See what I mean? I had to take that risk here to clear the discrepancy. I've provided that evidence, and you're still not buying it...See point 1.

3. Possible, although very unlikely. The piston was not removed.

4. That is correct, as I already stated.

5. Yup, he sure did.


Chief Cat Herder
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Yearly GoldMember
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3:24 PM
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Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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Which leads us back to my original question and now after your further explination. Why "was" this saw being discussed in this thread?

I'll take a stab at this one John. It's here for the same reason the 046 with the iffy piston is in this thread. Just a collection of saws that Jason did.........posted for various reasons. Failure being one......

I see that you are thinking that since this saw was taken apart and reassembled by Brad........that it's maybe not Jason's fault. I can see that side of it. AND.......The reason this saw became such a turd in our punch bowl was because there was a lack of communication on several people's part.......right?

That's where I ended up too. Hence my threads on the subject.

But.......as we have seen over time, Jason is anything but honest........and the fact that this saw was sporting an aftermarket piston where an OEM piston was said to be is just further proof of his dishonesty.


Friend of the Riff Raff
Local time
4:24 PM
User ID
Jan 8, 2016
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Franklin, OH
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WTF is going on in here? I come home from work to more debate of a open and shut case. The jury's gone home, the judge is napping and the executioner is sharpening his blade. WTF more could people possibly want at this point and time? If you can't figure it out on your own here it is, either make room on your work bench to fix a dicked up saw, dig through your junk piles for parts for dicked up saws, go through your couch cushion to look for money for dicked up saws OR STFU. Really that's all that's left, help out or get the fugg outta the damn way, you're part of the problem. Dammit people, can't we come together on this???
There are still axes to grind ;)