@Homemade thanks again for this trick and especially for filming it, it looks like your drill was "Single Speed"? Maybe there's a high/low switch on it or something but I gotta know
am I 'clear' & safe to really gun the drill? Is that what I should be aiming for? This saw's max is 7500 rpm and my drill is less than that, so it shouldn't be "overload" so far as the spin on the shaft,
almost worry I'll turn the nut right off of the damn shaft! So yeah am curious if you were gunning that drill or kinda "keeping it at medium"!
Thanks again such a cool trick to know (and just cool as hell watching your drill start-up your saw

[btw sorry for confusion earlier when I mistakenly confused that type of drillbit with the DIY, home-brew type you'd carve to remove a clutch, jeebus that's kinda embarrassing dunno how I was picturing the wrong side when thinking&writing that lol, "am newb"
