It's been my opinion for quite a while now that a good 60cc is tough to beat for a one saw plan for an awful lot of people, myself included.
My 357 sporting a 20" 3/8 bar was the first new "pro" saw I bought, 10 years ago. I did not then or since have any regrets whatsoever about that decision.
A few years later I got into helping my in-laws process the 35 face cord of logs they needed annually, sometimes he would buy two years worth in one shot so we had 70 face cord to block up. All of that while still doing my own.. At that time the guy he was buying his logs from was mixing some bruisers into the pile that my 357 had a hell of a workout dealing with. This spurred me to get my 372 XPW. That was the beginning of my CAD, up to that point I was content with the '57....
All of that said, my choice if forced to go back to one saw would be the 357
Point of interest: About a year after they converted to a wood boiler that nearly tripled the amount of wood they needed to put in, the father-in-law decided to retire is old Mac 610 (if I recall) and bought himself a brand new Dolmar 6400... Dang good running saw!